Running the Automation via the API

The RevenueScheduleAutomationService is a global API that allows you to automate the end-to-end process for recognizing revenue and cost against recognition schedules, from generating the schedules through to creating Accounting journals.


Before you start using this automation Revenue Management must be set up to generate recognition schedules, and to recognize revenue and cost against recognition schedules. For setup information, see Getting Started with Recognition Schedules.

If you intend to create Accounting journals from the recognition transactions, the RT to Journal Integrations must also be enabled and working. For more information, see RT to Journal Integrations Overview and Summarized RT to Journal Integration Overview.

The processes that can be started from the RevenueScheduleAutomationService are:

Processes That Can Be Started from the RevenueScheduleAutomationService

Sequential Order


1 Delete Schedules Where Source Unavailable
2 Generate Schedules
3 Recognize Schedules
4 Summarize Transactions
5 Create Journals

The automation runs each process asynchronously. For more information about each of these processes, see End-to-End Automation of Recognition Schedule Processes.

The processes always run in the sequential order shown in the table above, but you can choose which process to start from and which process to finish at. For example, if your org uses a customization to post recognition transactions to a third party accounting system you might want to automate processes 1-3 only.

When you run the automation a Revenue Management background process record is created, storing log information about the individual processes being run. Depending on the configuration parameters used, each individual process might send an email notification upon completion.

The configuration parameters you can specify for the RevenueScheduleAutomationService are listed below. For more information about using the RevenueScheduleAutomationService, see the Revenue Management API Developer Reference which is listed in Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation.

Configuration Parameters

The configuration parameters you can specify for the RevenueScheduleAutomationService are:

Configuration Parameters That Can Be Specified for the RevenueScheduleAutomationService

Config Parameter


filteredCompanies Run the selected processes on the specified companies only.
filteredCurrencies Run the selected processes on the specified currencies only.

Run the selected processes on the specified recognition methods only (% Complete, Deliverable, Equal Split).


The Group Transactions by Recognition Method field in the Revenue Management Settings custom setting must be ON if recognition method filters are specified in the API. This is necessary in order for transaction processes included in the automation to work correctly.

filteredRecognitionStreams Run the selected processes on the specified recognition streamsClosed Source object groups. Each source object group has a primary source object and up to three additional levels of related source objects. Typical recognition streams might be Projects, Billing Contracts, and Sales Invoices. only.
firstProcess The process to start from. For example, if firstProcess = Generate and lastProcess = Summarize, then Generate, Recognize and Summarize will be run in that order.
lastProcess The process to finish at. For example, if firstProcess = Generate and lastProcess = Summarize, then Generate, Recognize and Summarize will be run in that order.

Note: If this option is not specified it defaults to true.

When the Summarize process is included in the processes to run:

  • If this option is true, recognition transactions are summarized
  • If this option is false, recognition transactions are not summarized. This allows running processes before and after Summarize together in one API call while skipping the summarization process itself.

When the CreateJournals process is included in the processes to run:

  • If this option is true, journals are created from recognition transaction summaries.
  • If this option is false, journals are created from recognition transaction lines.

Note: If this option is not specified it defaults to true.

When true, email notifications are sent after each individual process.

When false, no email notifications at all are sent as a result of the API call.


This parameter works in conjunction with the Disable Email Notifications field in Revenue Management Notification Settings.

For emails to be sent, this parameter must be true and the Disable Email Notifications field must be false.

If this parameter is false, or the Disable Email Notifications field is true, emails are not sent.

Recognition Configuration Parameters

In addition to the above configuration parameters, you can specify the following parameters if the Recognize process is included in the processes being run. They are ignored if the Recognize process is not included in the processes being run.

Config Parameter



The period to commit recognized values into:

  • Current - Recognized values will be committed into the period containing today's date.
  • Previous - Recognized values will be committed into the period immediately prior to the current period.

The cutoff period for including schedule lines for recognition:

  • Current - Recognizable schedule lines in all periods up to and including the current period will be included.
  • Previous - Recognizable schedule lines in all periods up to and including the one immediately prior to the current period will be included.