Revenue Management Automation Configuration Fields

A Revenue Management automation configuration record and its child records include the following fields. For more information about automation configurations, see Automation Configuration Overview.

RM Automation Configuration

RM Automation Configuration Fields
Field Description
End Process The process to finish at. For example, if the start process = Generate Schedules and the end process = Summarize Transactions, then Generate Schedules, Recognize Schedules, and Summarize Transactions will be run in that order.
Last Run Date The most recent date and time that the RM automation configuration was run.
Selection Cutoff Period The cutoff period for including schedule lines for recognition:
  • Current - Recognizable schedule lines in all periods up to and including the current period will be included.
  • Previous - Recognizable schedule lines in all periods up to and including the one immediately prior to the current period will be included.
Recognition Period The period to commit recognized values into. This is recorded as the Recognition Period on resulting transactions:
  • Current - Recognized values will be committed into the period containing today's date.
  • Previous - Recognized values will be committed into the period immediately prior to the current period.
RM Automation Configuration Name A user-entered name for the automation configuration. Automation configuration names must be unique.
Start Process The process to start from. For example, if the start process = Generate Schedules and the end process = Summarize Transactions, then Generate Schedules, Recognize Schedules, and Summarize Transactions will be run in that order.

A checkbox that indicates whether to summarize recognition transactions, and whether to create journals from recognition transaction summaries instead of from recognition transaction lines.

When the Summarize Transactions process is included in the configuration:

  • If this option is true, recognition transactions are summarized.
  • If this option is false, recognition transactions are not summarized. This allows running processes before and after Summarize Transactions while skipping the summarization process itself.

When the Create Journals process is included in the configuration:

  • If this option is true, journals are created from recognition transaction summaries.
  • If this option is false, journals are created from recognition transaction lines.

RM Automation Configuration Filter

RM Automation Configuration Filter Fields
Field Description
Automation Configuration The RM automation configuration that this filter relates to.
Filtered Type Indicates what the RM automation configuration was filtered by: company, currency, recognition method, or recognition stream.
RM Automation Configuration Filter Name A name that uniquely identifies the RM automation configuration filter record, in the format RMACF-00000000.
Value The value that was filtered on. Depending on the Filtered Type, this is a company or currency name, recognition method (% Complete, Deliverable, or Equal Split), or the API name of the source object at the primary level in the recognition stream.


RM Automation Configuration Buttons
Button Description
Run Configuration Starts the automation process using the current configuration. The Last Run Date is updated to the current date and time.
Schedule Configuration Opens a window where you can schedule the automation configuration to run at regular intervals.