Creating an Estimate Product

To create an estimate product:

  1. On the Estimate Products tab, click New.
  2. Enter a name for the estimate product.
  3. Select a Salesforce services product to relate to the new estimate product. We recommend that you select an active services product. If you don't, you cannot add this estimate product to an estimate's related opportunity. For more information about Salesforce products, see the Salesforce Help.

    The Product field is not required when creating an estimate product. It must be populated when adding an estimate product to a project, unless the creation of opportunity products is disabled in your org. For more information, see Services Estimator Settings.

  4. [Optional] Enter a description for the estimate product.
  5. [Optional] Select a default billing type for the estimate product to populate the Billing Type field when the estimate product is added to an estimate.
  6. [Optional] Select a default fixed price margin for the estimate product to populate the Fixed Price Margin (%) field when the estimate product is added to an estimate. This is only used if the estimate product is added to an estimate with a billing type of Fixed Price. The fixed price margin can be changed when an estimate product is added to an estimate.
  7. Click Save.

For more information about billing types, see Estimate Products Overview.