Multiplying the Hours of an Estimate Product's Role Requests

To add an hours multiplier to an estimate product:

  1. On an estimate record, click the Builder tab.
  2. On an estimate product, in the Hours Multiplier column, enter the value you want to multiply the hours of the associated role requests by. The hours on the related role requests are updated. The original hours of the role request are retained in the Original Hours field.
  3. Click Save.
  • You cannot enter decimal values into the Hours Multiplier column.
  • You cannot edit the hours of a role request when an hours multiplier is applied to the associated estimate product. To edit the hours, change the hours multiplier value on the associated estimate product to one.
  • When you edit the hours multiplier value of an estimate product, the related role requests' hours in the Hours Breakdown view are respread to reflect the updated value.