New Features and Enhancements in Report Builder Winter 2025

ERP Cloud

The following new features have been introduced in the Winter 2025 release of Report Builder.

If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading to Report Builder Winter 2025. This provides a summary of the items that have been added for each feature and details of any required upgrade steps.

Soft Date and Import Enhancements

Dynamic Soft Dates

Before this release, you could use dynamic soft dates with a selected list of soft date custom labels. From this release, you can now enter dynamic soft dates in any of your soft date custom labels. These enable you to use conditions based on the current date to qualify on data.

The custom label you enter to use dynamic soft dates depends on the time period and period format selected, rather than displaying generic date terms such as simply the period, quarter, or week.

For more information, see Soft Date Period Formats.

Import Individual Components

From Winter 2025, when importing report definitions, you can select the Import Individual Components checkbox. If selected, all components contained within the imported reports will be imported individually as report component configurations in your org, as well as being imported within each report.

This enables you to use these components outside of Report Builder.

For more information, see Sharing Reports

Period Formats Enhancements

We have enhanced the Period Formats section in the Soft Dates tab to improve your navigation experience. From this release, when you click Add Period Format, a modal opens with a list of period formats to choose from.

Once you have selected one or more period formats in this modal, click Save and you will return to the Period Formats section on the Soft Dates tab.

Your selected period formats are also now displayed in a table, rather than a list.

For more information, see Configuring xRB Report Tables and Soft Date Period Formats.

Supported Analytics Filter Operators

From this release, the following Analytics filters are supported in Report Builder and can be applied to lenses:

  • Starts With
  • Does Not Start With
  • Ends With
  • Does Not End With
  • Does Not Contain

For more information, see the Salesforce Help.

Create Custom Real-Time Queries

From Winter 2025, you can create custom real-time queries for any dataset. You can create these queries to target new records in the database, enabling new records to be captured by the real-time query.

When configuring the field mapping for your new query, you can manually add a relationship field by using the following structure: Prefix__FieldName__r.Name. This enables further details of the lookup object you want to select to be displayed rather than just the record ID. For example, you can see the name of a relationship field rather than just its record ID.

For more information, see Real-Time Reporting.