Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector Data Dictionary


Label: OIM – Accounting Connector Settings

Settings that control the behavior of the connector between Order and Inventory Management and Accounting. Do not change these settings directly. Use the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin tab instead.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
APVC_Auto_Post_Payable_Credit_Note__c APVC Auto Post Payable Credit Note Summer 2023 If selected, when a payable credit note is created from an AP voucher credit, it is automatically posted in Accounting.

Checkbox false
APVC_Create_PCN_Custom_Criteria_Field__c APVC Create PCN Custom Criteria Field Summer 2023 API name of the field on the AP Voucher Credit object used to determine whether a payable credit note is automatically created from the AP voucher credit once it becomes eligible. The field is only used when APVC Create PCN When Crediting is deselected. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

APVC_Create_PCN_When_Crediting__c APVC Create PCN When Crediting Summer 2023 If selected, when you void or credit an AP voucher, a payable credit note is automatically created from the newly created AP voucher credit.

Checkbox false
APVC_Payable_Credit_Note_Line_Limit__c APVC Payable Credit Note Line Limit Summer 2023 The maximum number of lines to create on a single payable credit note. If the number of AP voucher line credits exceeds this number, additional payable credit notes are created.

Number(18,0) 1000
APV_Create_PIN_Custom_Criteria_Field__c APV Create PIN Custom Criteria Field Summer 2023 API name of the field on the AP Voucher object used to determine whether a payable invoice is automatically created from the AP voucher once it becomes eligible. The field is only used when APV Create PIN When Matching is deselected. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

Auto_Post_Journal__c ITRP Auto Post Journal Summer 2023 If selected, when a journal is created from an inventory transaction, it is automatically posted in Accounting.

Checkbox false
Auto_Post_Payable_Invoice__c APV Auto Post Payable Invoice Summer 2023 If selected, when a payable invoice is created from an AP voucher, it is automatically posted in Accounting.

Checkbox false
Auto_Post_Sales_Invoice__c INV Auto Post Sales Invoice Summer 2023 If selected, when a sales invoice is created from an invoice, it is automatically posted in Accounting.

Checkbox false
Auto_Push_PIN__c APV Create PIN When Matching Summer 2023 When selected, payable invoices are automatically created when matching AP vouchers.

Checkbox false
Auto_Push_SIN__c INV Create SIN When Completing Shipment Summer 2023 If selected, sales invoices are automatically created when completing a shipment related to an invoice.

Checkbox false
CRINV_Auto_Post_Sales_Credit_Notes__c CRINV Auto Post Sales Credit Note Summer 2023 If selected, when a sales credit note is created from a credit invoice, it is automatically posted in Accounting.

Checkbox false
CRINV_Create_SCN_Custom_Criteria_Field__c CRINV Create SCN Custom Criteria Field Summer 2023 API name of the field on the Credit Invoice object used to determine whether a sales credit note is automatically created from the credit invoice once it becomes eligible. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

CRINV_Create_SCN_When_Crediting__c CRINV Create SCN When Crediting Summer 2023 If selected, when you void or credit an invoice, a sales credit note is automatically created from the newly created credit invoice.

Checkbox false
Create_COGS_Journals_for_DS_Acct_Items__c Create COGS Journals for DS Acct Items Summer 2023 This custom setting allows the creation of inventory transaction records (financial and inventory records) in order to create a COGS Journal for the freight costs associated with drop ship transactions. The freight cost line is added manually to the AP Voucher related to the drop ship sales order.

Checkbox false
Default_AP_Control_GLA_Reporting_Code__c Default AP Control GLA Reporting Code Summer 2023 Reporting Code for the default Accounts Payable Control GL Account. This is used to create an Account from a Supplier Site when "Sync Supplier to Account" is enabled.

Default_AR_Control_GLA_Reporting_Code__c Default AR Control GLA Reporting Code Summer 2023 Reporting Code for the default Accounts Receivable Control GL Account. This is used to create an Account from a Supplier Site when "Sync Supplier to Account" is enabled.

Default_Company__c Default Company Name Summer 2023 The name of the default Accounting company. This is used to populate the Company Name field when creating a purchase order, sales order, and a service contract.

Enable_Manual_Deposits__c INV Enable Manual Deposits Summer 2023 If deselected, deposits are automatically applied when creating a sales invoice. If selected, you can manually apply a deposit on the resulting sales invoice.

Checkbox false
INV_Create_DS_SIN_Custom_Criteria_Field__c INV Create DS SIN Custom Criteria Field Summer 2023 API name of the field on the Invoicing object used to determine whether a sales invoice is automatically created from a drop ship invoice once it becomes eligible. The field is only used when INV Create DS SIN When Billing SO is deselected. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

INV_Create_DS_SIN_When_Billing_SO__c INV Create DS SIN When Billing SO Summer 2023 If selected, sales invoices are automatically created when billing a drop ship sales order.

Checkbox false
INV_Create_SIN_Custom_Criteria_Field__c INV Create SIN Custom Criteria Field Summer 2023 API name of the field on the Invoicing object used to determine whether a sales invoice is automatically created from the Invoice once it becomes eligible. The field is only used when INV Create SIN When Completing Shipment is deselected. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

ITPR_Create_JNL_Custom_Criteria_Field__c ITPR Create JNL Custom Criteria Field Summer 2023 API name of the field on the Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record object used to determine whether a journal is automatically created from the perpetual record once it becomes eligible. The field is only used if the ITRP Create Journal When ITPR is Created field is deselected. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

ITRP_Create_Journal_When_ITPR_Is_Created__c ITPR Create Journal When ITPR is Created Summer 2023 When selected, as soon as an eligible inventory transaction perpetual record is created, the connector creates a journal for the perpetual record.

Checkbox false
JournalImportBatchSize__c ITPR Journal Import Batch Size Summer 2023 The number of Perpetual Transactions Imported per batch Apex execute (Default: 50).

Number(4,0) 50
Max_Credit_Note_Lines__c CRINV Sales Credit Note Line Limit Summer 2023 The maximum number of lines to create on a single sales credit note. If the number of credit invoice lines exceeds this number, additional sales credit notes are created.

Number(18,0) 900
Max_Journal_Lines__c ITPR Journal Line Limit Summer 2023 The maximum number of journal lines to create on a single journal. If the the number of lines required exceeds this number, additional journals will be created.

Number(18,0) 150
Max_PIN_Lines__c APV Payable Invoice Line Limit Summer 2023 The maximum number of lines to create on a single payable invoice. If the number of AP voucher lines exceeds this number, additional payable invoices are created.

Number(18,0) 1000
Max_SIN_Lines__c INV Sales Invoice Line Limit Summer 2023 The maximum number of lines to create on a single sales invoice. If the number of invoice line items exceeds this number, additional sales invoices are created.

Number(18,0) 600
Send_Emails__c Send Emails Summer 2023 When selected, the connector sends an email notification after creating documents in the background.

Checkbox true
Send_Notifications__c Send Notifications Summer 2023 When selected, the connector sends a Salesforce notification after creating documents in the background.

Checkbox true
Sync_Supplier_to_Account__c Sync Supplier to Account Summer 2023 Creates or updates an Account record when a Supplier Site is created or updated.

Checkbox false
Validate_AP_Voucher_Lines_When_Matching__c APV Validate While Matching Summer 2023 When selected, the fields on AP voucher lines required for the integration are validated. If the fields fail the validation, you cannot match the AP voucher. When deselected, AP vouchers can be matched even if the required fields are not valid. This applies to the General Ledger Account, Item, and Product fields on the AP Voucher Line object.

Checkbox false

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