Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector Data Dictionary


Label: OIM – Accounting Connector Plugins

Specifies the class to call during the specified export type. The class must extend the SCMFFA.SCMFFAPlugin class.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
AP_Voucher_Credit_Export__c AP Voucher Credit Export Summer 2023 The full name of the class to be called when creating payable credit notes from AP voucher credits. This class must extend the SCMFFA.SCMFFAPlugin class.

AP_Voucher_Export__c AP Voucher Export Summer 2023 The full name of the class to be called when creating payable invoice from AP vouchers. This class must extend the SCMFFA.SCMFFAPlugin class.

Credit_Invoice_Export__c Credit Invoice Export Summer 2023 The full name of the class to be called when creating sales credit notes from credit invoice. This class must extend the SCMFFA.SCMFFAPlugin class.

Invoice_Export__c Invoice Export Summer 2023 The full name of the class to be called when creating sales invoices from OIM invoices. This class must extend the SCMFFA.SCMFFAPlugin class.

Invoice_Void_Export__c Invoice Void Export Summer 2023 The full name of the class to be called when creating sales credit notes by voiding OIM invoices. This class must extend the SCMFFA.SCMFFAPlugin class.

Journal_Export__c Journal Export Summer 2023 The full name of the class to be called when creating journals from inventory transactions. This class must extend the SCMFFA.SCMFFAPlugin class.


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