Professional Services Automation Permissions

PSA - Lightning Component Apex Class Access

API Name: PSALightningComponentApexClassAccess

Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.

Permissions Available on Permission Set

The table lists the permissions available for this permission set.

Apex Class Permission AMFT_AddMilestonesFromTempController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
ARRFT_AddRRsFromTempController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
ATFT_AddTasksFromTemplateController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
AssignView Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
AssociateRateCardDialogController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
AsyncApexJobProgressController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_BEAwaitingReleaseController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_BEAwaitingReleaseService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_BEsAwaitingInvoicingController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_BillingEventController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_BillingEventDataService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_BillingEventFilterController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_BillingEventFilterService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_CreateBillingDocumentController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_InvoiceBillingController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_ProjectBillingGenerateBean Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_ProjectBillingGenerateController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_ProjectFilterController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_ProjectFilterService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_ProjectsAwaitingBillingController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_ProjectsAwaitingBillingService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_RecalculateBillingController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_RecalculateBillingService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_ReleaseBillingController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_ReleaseBillingService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_ReleaseConvertBillingService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_RevertBillingController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_RevertBillingService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BL_CalculateBacklogController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
CRFP_CreateChangeRequestController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
CustomSettingController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
CustomSettingRequestDTO Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
EM_CombineAttachmentsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
EM_ExpenseEntryController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
EM_ExpenseReportFormController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
EditResourceSkillRequestController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
ExchangeRateService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
FileAttachmentController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
FileAttachmentDto Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
IHCActivateIntegrationsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
IHCAuthenticationController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
IHCDeleteInstanceController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
IHCInitialSyncInstanceController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
IHCSecretsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
IHCService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
IHCSetupProgressBarController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
JiraFormulaInstanceController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
LWCDatatableColumnBuilder Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
LightningDataTableWrapper Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
LinkObjectsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
LinkObjectsFilterParams Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
LoadFieldSet Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
LookupDialogController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
LookupPredicate Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
LookupPredicateGroup Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
LookupSearchController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
LookupSearchResult Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
MA_MassApprovalGridController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
MobileExpenseRedirectController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
MyWeeklySummaryComponentController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
PTView Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
PT_ProjectSearchGridController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
PV_ProjectVersioningController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
PermissionInfoResponse Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
ProjectTaskWithRoles Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
ProjectView Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RFPT_GroupingController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RFPT_HeldResourcingFromPTsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RFPT_ResourcingFromPTsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RFPT_UnheldResourcingFromPTsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RFVA_DataService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RFVA_DataServiceImpl Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RFV_VersionAdjustmentsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RFV_VersionDataController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RFV_VersionScheduleController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RF_FilterController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RF_FilterTimePeriodsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RF_RevenueForecastController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RF_SetupController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RF_SetupService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RLPTA_ResourceLinkingPtaController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ApplyRateCardDiscountController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_AssignmentScheduleController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_AssignmentScheduleInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_AvailabilityDetail Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_CloseAssignmentsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ExperienceInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_HoverDetailsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ManageRRSetController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ManageSkillCertController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_PercentAllocationController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_PercentAllocationRowInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_PercentAllocationUpdateInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ProjectTeamScheduleController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_RateCardSetController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_RescheduleInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ResourceAvailabilityDetails Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ResourceAvailabilityTilesController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ResourceInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ResourceReplacementController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ResourceRequestUpdateController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ScheduleDay Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ScheduleExceptionInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ScheduleInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ScheduleRecalculationController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_SelectOptions Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_SelfAssignmentController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_SelfAssignmentSaveRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_SkillCascadeDeleteController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RPGHierarchyViewController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RRAndAssignmentLookupController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
ReleaseConvertBillingValidationResponse Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
ResourceDto Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
ResourceInfoController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
ResourceSelectionListController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
ResourceSkillController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
ResourceSkillRequestController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
ResourcingAssignmentSchedController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RevenueForecastVersionDataService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
SObjectController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
SObjectFieldDto Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
SObjectRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
SObjectSubRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
SkillCertificationDialogController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
SkillCertificationLookupController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
SkillSetController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
SummaryView Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
TM_MissingTimecardBatchInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
TM_MissingTimecardController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
TM_MissingTimecardRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
TM_MissingTimecardWarningInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
TM_MissingTimecardWarningRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
TM_TimeEntryController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
TM_TimeVarianceBatchInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
TM_TimeVarianceController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
TM_TimeVarianceRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
TM_TimecardSaveRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
Task_ProjectTaskBulkUpdateController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
TimePeriodRangePickerController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
UnlinkObjectsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
UtilizationCalculationController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
VI_AddInvoiceItemsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
ZeroScheduleController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
AAFT_Controller Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
AD_BatchProcessesController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
AD_GeocodingServicesController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
AD_JiraPsaIntegrationBatchInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
AD_JiraPsaIntegrationController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
ARFT_AddRecordsFromTempController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
Act_ActualsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
Act_ActualsVerifierController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
Act_ActualsVerifierData Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
Act_ProjectActualsRecalcController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
Act_ResourceActualsRecalcController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
Act_VerificationScopeCriteria Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
AssignmentProgressController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
AssignmentTasksController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
AsyncProcessWrapper Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
AutoAssignController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_AccountBillingGenerateController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_AccountBillingGenerateDtos Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_BillingCommonService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_BillingGenerateRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_BillingGridRequestDto Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_BillingRecordRequestWrapper Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_BillingSummaryRequestWrapper Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_CombineBillingService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_ConvertInvoiceCreditResponse Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_CreateBillingDocumentService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_InvoiceBillingService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_InvoicedBillingEventsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_ProgressStatusController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_ProgressStatusJobInfoDto Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_ProgressStatusProcessLogsDto Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
BILL_RevertBillingResponse Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
Bill_MassBillingGenerateController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
Bill_MassBillingGenerateService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
CPFT_CreateProjectController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
CPFT_FieldOverrideFactory Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
CPFT_FormFieldFactory Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
CPFT_RecordAccordionController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
CurrencyController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
EM_CloneExpenseReportController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
EM_CloneExpenseReportRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
EM_DocumentWrapper Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
EM_ExpenseCommonController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
FFAsyncJobProgressController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
GNT_CustomColumnController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
GNT_ExportController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
GNT_ProjectHierarchyLoadController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
GNT_ResourcingController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
GNT_SecurityController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
LookupSearchParams Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
MatchQualityController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
PGM_ProjectOverviewController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
PTM_ProjectHierarchy Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
PTM_ProjectTaskController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
PVar_ProjectHoursVarianceController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RFPT_AssignmentFromPTsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RFPT_AssignmentWithRelationships Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RFPT_ProposedSchedule Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RFV_RenameController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RF_ForecastPreviewController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RMS_ReschedulingController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RMS_Schedule Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RMS_ScheduleDataController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RMS_ScheduleExceptionDto Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RMWP_LineManagerController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RMWP_ProjectManagerController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RMWP_ResourceWorkPlannerController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RMWP_WorkPlannerController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RMWP_WorkPlannerControllerRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RMWP_WorkPlannerFilterRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_AssignmentProgress Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_AssignmentRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_AttachmentController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_CloneAssignmentController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_CloneResourceRequestController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ContactCardAvailabilityController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ContactCardAvailabilityDetail Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ContactCardWorkCalendarDetail Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_CreateAssignmentController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_CreateResourceRequestController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_FieldAccessWrapper Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ManageUpcomingWorkController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_MassAssignmentScheduleDtos Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_MassManageSkillsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_MatchQualityInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ProjectDetail Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ProjectDetails Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ProposedEngagement Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ProposedSchedule Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ROSettings Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_RequestResourcesController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ResourceDetail Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ResourceDetails Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ResourceRequestController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ResourceRequestFieldSetInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ResourceRequestWithRequestedSkills Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ResourceScheduledDay Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ResourceWithSkillCertifications Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ResourcingScheduleController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_ScheduleRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_SkillCertAspirationInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_SkillCertExperienceInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_SkillCertRatingBatchInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_SkillHierarchyController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_SkillHierarchyWrapper Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_SkillsHierarchyViewItemCounts Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_SwapOrSplitRecordController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_SwapOrSplitRecordRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_WorkCalendarDataController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_WorkHistory Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_WorkHistoryController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RM_WorkHistoryFilter Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
ResourceFilterParams Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
ResourceOptimisationController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RevenueForecastScheduleInfo Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
RevenueForecastSchedulerController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
SObjectOrderBy Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
SP_ShareProjectController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
SP_ShareableObjectDTO Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
ScheduleController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
StartTimerRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
TMR_SaveTimerRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
TMR_TimerController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
TM_TimecardContext Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
UA_DeleteUtilizationRecordsController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
UA_RunNowController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
UA_ScheduleController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
UA_SetupController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
UE_LegacyController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
UtilizationAnalyticsService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
VI_RecalculateVendorInvoiceContoller Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
VI_VendorInvoiceController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
WE_SaveEventRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
WE_WorkEventController Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
WE_WorkEventRequest Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.
WE_WorkEventService Enabled Permission set to grant access to all Apex classes required by Lightning components.

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