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global virtual with sharing class DepreciationBookQueryFields

If you write your own implementation of the fam.DepreciationCalculation class, you must extend this class. The Depreciation_Book__c objects that are passed into the generateSchedules method on fam.DepreciationCalculation implementations are already queried objects and may not contain the fields that you have added to the Depreciation Book object.
You can extend this class and override the global virtual method so that it returns the list of SObjectFields that you have added to the Depreciation Book object. The system then queries those fields when the Depreciation_Book__c objects are queried and the fam.DepreciationCalculation can reference the fields that you added.

Sample Code

//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for
//use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and
//is in no way optimized or streamlined.
You need to provide some sample code



global virtual List<SObjectField> getExtraFields()

You must override this class to include the custom fields that you have added to the Depreciation Book object.

Return Value

Returns a list of SObjectField tokens from the Depreciation_Book__c object.

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