fam.DepreciationCalculationglobal abstract with sharing class DepreciationCalculation This class must be extended by the customer if the customer is writing their own implementations of the fam.DepreciationCalculation class. This class contains deprecated items. Sample Code
generateSchedulesglobal virtual List<fam__FA_Depreciation_Schedule__c> generateSchedules(fam__Depreciation_Book__c book, Decimal totalAmountToDepreciate, Date depreciationStartDate) This method is employed by the GenerateScheduleService to generate partial periods of the Depreciation Book. Input Parameters
updateBeforeglobal virtual void updateBefore(fam__FA_Depreciation_Schedule__c[] oldSchedules, fam__FA_Depreciation_Schedule__c[] updatedSchedules, Map<Id, fam__FA_Depreciation_Schedule__c> scheduleMap) This method is called before updating the schedules and performs schedule validation Input Parameters
updateAfterglobal virtual void updateAfter(fam__FA_Depreciation_Schedule__c[] oldSchedules, fam__FA_Depreciation_Schedule__c[] updatedSchedules, Map<Id, fam__FA_Depreciation_Schedule__c> scheduleMap) This method is called after updating a schedule and performs schedule validation Input Parameters
validateBookglobal virtual void validateBook(fam__Depreciation_Book__c book) You can override this method to provide some calculation specific validation. For example: • Sum of Years Digits requires that the Service Life is an Integer. • Units of Production requires that the Service Life in Units field is provided. Input Parameters
DeprecatedThe following items are deprecated and not supported for use. We recommend that you stop using these items to avoid exceptions. MethodsgenerateDeprecated: This method has been superseded by generateSchedules, but you must still implement it. global abstract void generate(Id[] bookIds) Input Parameters