ffrr.RetrieveAmountsRecognizedServiceglobal with sharing class RetrieveAmountsRecognizedService implements Callable Provides stateless methods related to Retrieving Recognized Amounts, implements the callable interface to support loose coupling between packages. Methods
getRecognizedBetweenglobal static Map<Id, Map<Date, Decimal>> getRecognizedBetween(Set<Id> sourceIds, Date recognizedFrom, Date recognizedTo) Provides the total revenue recognized by recognition date between the recognizedFrom and recognizedTo dates inclusive. Includes revenue on both Committed and Discarding transactions. Input Parameters
Return ValueMap of source Record Id with revenue recognized per recognition date. Sample Code
callglobal Object call(String action, Map<String, Object> args) Executes method supplied as action, with the arguments supplied in args. Input Parameters
Return ValueObject containing method output. Sample Code