ffrr.SettingsServiceglobal with sharing class SettingsService The ffrr.SettingsService provides classes and methods for operations related to the ffrr__Settings__c records. Methods
createMappingsToPOLIglobal static ffrr.SettingsService.UpsertResult createMappingsToPOLI(List<Id> settingIds) Creates a Field Mapping Definition for each of the given Recognition Settings using the fields defined in those recognition settings. The Default Field Mapping will be populated on each of the recognition settings. Input Parameters
Return ValueA SettingsService.UpsertResult containing the Ids of the created Field Mapping Definitions and the Ids of the recognition settings used to create them. Sample Code
createMappingsToPOLIglobal static ffrr.SettingsService.UpsertResult createMappingsToPOLI(List<Id> settingIds, ffrr.SettingsService.UpsertOptions options) Creates a Field Mapping Definition for each of the given Recognition Settings using the fields defined in those recognition settings. The Default Field Mapping will be populated on each of the recognition settings. If a given recognition setting already has a Default Field Mapping it can be specified to update it. Input Parameters
Return ValueA SettingsService.UpsertResult containing the Ids of the created Field Mapping Definitions and the Ids of the recognition settings used to create them. Sample Code
ffrr.SettingsService.UpsertOptionsglobal with sharing class UpsertOptions Contains additional options regarding the upserting of FieldMappingDefinitions. Sample Code
MethodsUpsertOptionsglobal UpsertOptions() Default constructor. Defaults the UpdateMappings Boolean to FALSE. ffrr.SettingsService.UpsertResultglobal with sharing class UpsertResult Container for data resulting from an Upsert operation. Properties
MethodsUpsertResultglobal UpsertResult() |