Accounting Data Dictionary


Label: Currency Revaluation History

Stores currency revaluation history information.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Company__c Accounting Company Spring 2024 Reference to the accounting company on the Currency Revaluation History record.

Looks up to: codaCompany__c
Criteria__c Criteria Used Spring 2024 The criteria used for the currency revaluation record.

Looks up to: CurrencyRevaluationCriteria__c
DualRate__c Dual Currency Exchange Rate Spring 2024 The exchange rate from Home to Dual currency.

GenerationDate__c History Generation Date Spring 2024 The date on which the currency revaluation history is generated.

JournalPeriod__c Journal Period Spring 2024 The period used by the generated journal.

Looks up to: codaPeriod__c
Notes__c Notes Spring 2024 This field is editable and can be used to write any important notes required for the currency revaluation history.

ParentJobId__c Parent Job ID Spring 2024 ID of the job that created the Currency Revaluation History record.

ReportingRate__c Reporting Currency Exchange Rate Spring 2024 The exchange rate from Home to Reporting Currency.

RevaluationJournalNumber__c Revaluation Journal Number Spring 2024 The journal generated for the currency revaluation record based on balances.

Looks up to: codaJournal__c
ReverseJournalPeriod__c Reversing Journal Period Spring 2024 The period used by the reversing journal generated for the currency revaluation record based on balances.

Looks up to: codaPeriod__c
ReverseRevaluationJournalNumber__c Reversing Revaluation Journal Number Spring 2024 The reversing journal generated for the currency revaluation based on balances.

Looks up to: codaJournal__c
ReverseTranslationJournalNumber__c Reversing Translation Journal Number Spring 2024 The reversing translation journal generated for the currency revaluation based on balances.

Looks up to: codaJournal__c
Template__c Template Used Spring 2024 The currency revaluation template used for the currency revaluation record.

Looks up to: CurrencyRevaluationTemplate__c
TranslationJournalNumber__c Translation Journal Number Spring 2024 The translation journal generated for the currency revaluation record based on balances.

Looks up to: codaJournal__c

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