Revenue Management Data Dictionary


Label: Revenue Management Settings

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
ActualsTemplate__c Actuals Recognition Template Pre-Spring 2018 Indicates the API name of the actuals recognition template (default:ffrrtemplate__c).

Text(255) 'ffrrtemplate__c'
ActualvsForecastCategory__c Actual vs Forecast Category Pre-Spring 2018 The category of forecast values that are included in Actual vs Forecast records (default:Expected).

Text(255) "Expected"
CSVFolderUniqueName__c Deprecated CSV Folder Unique Name Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
CreateActualvsForecastImmediately__c Create Actual vs Forecast in Real Time Pre-Spring 2018 Enables the creation of Actual vs Forecast records automatically when an Actual or Forecast transaction is created and saved (default:false).

Checkbox false
CreateTransactionSummariesOnCommit__c Create Transaction Summaries on Commit Pre-Spring 2018 Enables the automatic generation of recognition transaction summary records on commit (default: false).

Checkbox false
DisableChatterCSVAttachment__c Deprecated Disable Chatter CSV Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
DisableExtendedRSGridLimit__c Disable Extended Volumes in Rec. Summary Summer 2023 Disables support for handling extended volumes in the Recognition Summary grid (default:false).

Checkbox false
DisablePeriodValidation__c Disable Period Validation Pre-Spring 2018 Disables the validation and auto-complete associated with the Period field when saving or committing recognition transactions (default:false).

Checkbox false
DisablePopulatePOLIFromSourceRecords__c Disable populateFromSourceRecords Calls Pre-Spring 2018 Disables the RevenueContractService.populateFromSourceRecords service (default:false).

Checkbox false
DisableSchedulesCreationFromContracts__c Disable Generate Schedules for Contracts Spring 2024 Disables recognition schedules from being generated automatically for revenue contracts as part of the async processes (default:false).

Checkbox false
DisableSynchronizeRevenueSchedules__c Disable Synchronize Rec. Schedules Winter 2023 Disables the use of synchronize for Recognition Schedules to use generate instead. The difference is that synchronize both generates schedules and removes obsolete schedules by deleting any where the source record is unavailable (default:false).

Checkbox false
DiscardLogDeletion__c Delete Discard Transactions Async Logs Summer 2023 Controls whether process logs more than 7 days old are deleted next time the same asynchronous discard transactions process runs. When false, process logs created by asynchronous discard transactions processes are not deleted (default:true).

Checkbox true
EnableOpportunityProductMirror__c Enable Opportunity Product Mirror Pre-Spring 2018 Enables the synchronization between the Opportunity Product object and the Opportunity Product Mirror object (default:false).

Checkbox false
EnableSchedulesRecognition__c Deprecated Enable Schedules Recognition Spring 2024 Deprecated Enables revenue recognition to run against recognition schedules instead of against source records via staging data. Enabling this flag means that you will not be able to use the original Revenue Recognition process, sometimes known as Actuals (default:false).

Checkbox false
ExcludeHistoricRSLsFromRecognition__c Exclude Historic RSLs from Recognition Winter 2024 Controls whether recognizable values on recognition schedule lines (RSLs) in periods prior to the period being recognized in the Recognition Summary grid are excluded from recognition. When true, values in historic periods are excluded and remain unrecognized. When false, values in historic periods are included for recognition. When recognizing via the automation process, values in historic periods are always included. (default:false).

Checkbox false
ForecastingTemplate__c Forecast Recognition Template Pre-Spring 2018 Indicates the API name of the forecast recognition template (default:ffrrtemplate__c).

Text(255) 'ffrrtemplate__c'
GenerateSchedulesLogDeletion__c Delete Recognition Schedule Async Logs Spring 2024 Controls whether process logs more than 7 days old are deleted next time the same asynchronous recognition schedule process runs. When false, process logs created by asynchronous recognition schedule processes are not deleted (default:true).

Checkbox true
GlobalOpeningBalanceCutoffDate__c Global Opening Balance Cutoff Date Summer 2022 Date
GroupTransactionsByRecognitionMethod__c Group Transactions by Recognition Method Spring 2024 Controls whether recognition transactions are grouped by recognition method.

Checkbox false
LastOpportunityProductMirrorBatch__c Deprecated Opp Product Scheduler Date Pre-Spring 2018 DateTime
LoadingStagingObjectsBatchSize__c Deprecated Set Retrieve Lines Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0)
ProcessScheduleVolumeLimit__c Process Schedule Volume Limit Winter 2024 The maximum number of process schedules that will be picked up in a single run. The default value is the maximum this limit can be, based on volume limits (default:15).

Number(18,0) 15
RevenueContractSourceRecordLookup__c Revenue Contract Source Record Lookup Spring 2024 Indicates the API name of the field on the Revenue Contract object that looks up to the contract's source record (default: ffrr__Engagement__c).

Text(255) 'Engagement__c'
SelectAllChildLimit__c Deprecated Expand/Select All Child Limit Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0) 1000
TransactionCommitBatchSize__c Deprecated Transaction Commit Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0)
TransactionUpdateBatchSize__c Deprecated Transaction Save Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0)
UseActualvsForecastFeature__c Use Actual vs Forecast Feature Pre-Spring 2018 Enables the Actual vs Forecast functionality (default:false).

Checkbox false

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