Revenue Management Data Dictionary


Label: Recognition Schedule Line

Represents the revenue to be earned for each recognition period that the source record covers.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
AmortizedCostAsCurrency__c Recognized Cost Winter 2023 The cost recognized in this financial period displayed in document currency.

Currency(18,2) 0
AmortizedCost__c Internal Recognized Cost Winter 2023 The cost recognized in this financial period.

Number(18,2) 0
CostAsCurrency__c Cost Winter 2023 The cost to be recognized for the source record in this financial period displayed in document currency.

Currency(18,2) 0
Cost__c Internal Cost Winter 2023 The cost to be recognized for the source record in this financial period.

Number(18,2) 0
DisplayInformation__c Display Information Spring 2024 Information about the source record. Often this will be the account name, but it can be any information.

Engagement__c Engagement Spring 2024 Engagement this recognition schedule line relates to.

Looks up to: fferpcore__ff_Engagement__c

PerformanceObligation__c Performance Obligation Spring 2024 Lookup to the performance obligation associated with the recognition schedule.

Looks up to: PerformanceObligation__c
PeriodEnd__c Period End Fall 2020 The end date of the financial period.

PeriodStart__c Period Start Fall 2020 The start date of the financial period.

RecognitionStatus__c Status Spring 2024 Picklist:
Opening Balance
RecognizedRevenueAsCurrency__c Recognized Revenue Spring 2024 The revenue recognized in this financial period displayed in document currency.

Currency(18,2) 0
RecognizedRevenue__c Internal Recognized Revenue Spring 2024 The revenue recognized in this financial period.

Number(18,2) 0
RevenueAsCurrency__c Revenue Spring 2024 The revenue to be recognized for the source record in this financial period displayed in document currency.

Currency(18,2) 0
RevenueContract__c Revenue Contract Spring 2024 Lookup to the revenue contract associated with the recognition schedule.

Looks up to: RevenueContract__c
RevenueSchedule__c Recognition Schedule Fall 2020 Looks up to: RevenueSchedule__c
Revenue__c Internal Revenue Fall 2020 The revenue to be recognized for the source record in this financial period.

Number(18,2) 0
ScheduleLineNumber__c Schedule Line Number Fall 2020 AutoNumber

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