Customer Success Cloud Data Dictionary


Label: Account Customer Success Segment

A junction object that stores the relationship between the Customer Success Segment and Account objects.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Account__c Account May 2024 The account that relates to the account customer success segment.

Looks up to: Account

Customer_Success_Segment__c Customer Success Segment May 2024 The customer success segment that relates to the account customer success segment.

Looks up to: Customer_Success_Segment__c
End_Date__c End Date May 2024 The end date of the account customer success segment.

Health_Score_Output_1__c Health Score Output 1 May 2024 If selected, the health score for the segment is displayed in the related field on the account record.

Checkbox false
Health_Score_Output_2__c Health Score Output 2 Summer 2024 If selected, the second health score is displayed in the related field on the account record.

Checkbox false
Start_Date__c Start Date May 2024 The start date of the account customer success segment.


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