PSA – Accounting Connector Data Dictionary


Label: pse__Practice__c

Adding fields to an object in a different managed package

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
AccountingReportingCode__c Accounting Reporting Code Summer 2022 Alternative name or code used in Accounting for reporting purposes. This value is used to set the Reporting Code field on dimensions created from the practice. When blank, this value is automatically populated from the name of the practice.

Dimension2__c Dimension 2 Summer 2022 Dimension 2 record that relates to the practice. Automatically populated when the dimension 2 record is created from the practice.

Looks up to: c2g__codaDimension2__c

OwnerCompany__c Company Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: c2g__codaCompany__c


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