PSA – Accounting Connector Data Dictionary


Label: pse__Vendor_Invoice__c

Adding fields to an object in a different managed package

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
AutomaticallyPassToAccounting__c Automatically Pass to Accounting Spring 2021 When selected, the vendor invoice is automatically passed to Accounting as soon as it becomes eligible.

Checkbox false
EligibleEmployeeExpenseForCreditNote__c Eligible Expense for Credit Note Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF((pse__Total__c < 0) && pse__Submitted__c && pse__Approved_for_Payment__c && ISPICKVAL( pse__Account__r.Type , "Employee") , 1, 0)
EligibleEmployeeExpenseForInvoice__c Eligible Expense for Invoice Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF((pse__Total__c >= 0) && pse__Submitted__c && pse__Approved_for_Payment__c && ISPICKVAL( pse__Account__r.Type , "Employee") , 1, 0)
EligibleForPayableCreditNote__c Eligible for Payable Credit Note Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF((pse__Total__c < 0) && pse__Submitted__c && pse__Approved_for_Payment__c , 1, 0)
EligibleForPayableInvoice__c Eligible for Payable Invoice Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF((pse__Total__c >= 0) && pse__Submitted__c && pse__Approved_for_Payment__c , 1, 0)
OwnerCompany__c Company Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: c2g__codaCompany__c

PassedToAccounting__c Passed to Accounting Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
VendorInvoiceCurrency__c Vendor Invoice Currency Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: c2g__codaAccountingCurrency__c


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