Revenue Management API Developer Reference


global with sharing class Exceptions


global virtual with sharing class AppException extends Exception

The Base Exception thrown by Revenue Recognition. All ffrr.Exceptions extends this Exception.


global virtual with sharing class InvalidArgumentException extends Exceptions.AppException

This exception is thrown when invalid arguments are supplied to a method.

This class extends ffrr.Exceptions.AppException


global with sharing class InvalidSettingsException extends Exceptions.AppException

This exception is thrown when an Invalid Settings__c object has been used.

This class extends ffrr.Exceptions.AppException


global with sharing class InvalidTemplateException extends Exceptions.AppException

This exception is thrown when an Invalid Template__c object has been used.

This class extends ffrr.Exceptions.AppException


global with sharing class InvalidPeriodException extends Exceptions.AppException

This exception is thrown when an Invalid Period__c object has been used.

This class extends ffrr.Exceptions.AppException


global with sharing class InvalidIdException extends Exceptions.AppException

This exception is thrown when an Invalid Id was used.

This class extends ffrr.Exceptions.AppException


global with sharing class MalformedCallException extends Exceptions.AppException

This exception is thrown when the callable method does not exist.

This class extends ffrr.Exceptions.AppException


global with sharing class PackageNotInstalledException extends Exceptions.AppException

This exception is thrown when a package that is required is not installed.

This class extends ffrr.Exceptions.AppException


global with sharing class InvalidRecognitionStreamsException extends Exceptions.AppException

This exception is thrown when a recognition stream is specified that is not adequately supported by Recogniton Settings.

This class extends ffrr.Exceptions.AppException

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