ffrr.SourceRecordSetupServiceglobal with sharing class SourceRecordSetupService Provides methods to allow automated setup of source records. Currently supported objects are blng__InvoiceLine__c, blng__CreditNoteLine__c, OrderItem and blng__UsageSummary__c. Methodssetupglobal static List<SObject> setup(Set<Id> sourceIds) Given a Set<Id> sourceIds, goes though the sourceRecords related to the Ids and populates: Input Parameters
Return ValueList<SObjects> with populated ffrr__Template__c and GLA mappings. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. Set<Id> sourceRecordIds = new Set<Id>(); // Ids of objects to add recognition templates to. ffrr.SourceRecordSetupService.setup(sourceRecordIds); |