Revenue Management Data Dictionary


Label: Recognition Transaction

Contains the header details of recognition transactions.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Currency__c Document Currency Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
Description__c Description Pre-Spring 2018 TextArea
ErrorLog__c Recognition Error Log Pre-Spring 2018 Recognition error log containing information about process failures which might affect multiple transactions. This Error Log differs from the ones that appear on the related list, which are specific to the transaction.

Looks up to: RevenueRecognitionErrorLog__c
Error__c Error Pre-Spring 2018 LongTextArea(32768)
ErrorsManager__c Errors Manager Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: ErrorsManager__c
GroupedBy__c Grouped By Fall 2018 Text(255)
LegislationType__c Legislation Type Pre-Spring 2018 The legislation type for this Recognition Transaction

ASC 605
ASC 606
OriginatingProcess__c Originating Process Pre-Spring 2018 Indicates how this transaction was created.

Deferred Revenue True-Up
Revenue Recognition
Transfer Previously Recognized
Period__c Period Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
RecognitionMethod__c Recognition Method Spring 2024 Picklist:
% Complete
Equal Split
RecognitionPeriod__c Recognition Period Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: RecognitionPeriod__c
RecognitionStream__c Recognition Stream Summer 2023 The source object on the recognition settings record at the primary level in the object hierarchy.

RecognizedDate__c Recognized Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
RevenueManagementBackgroundProcess__c RM Background Process Winter 2024 Lookup to the RM background process created from this recognition transaction.

Looks up to: RevenueManagementBackgroundProcess__c
Status__c Status Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
In Progress
SummarizedBy__c Summarized By Fall 2020 The fields that were used to summarize the associated recognition transaction lines.

TotalAmortizedBalanceSheet__c Total Balance Sheet (Cost) Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
TotalAmortizedIncomeStatement__c Total Income Statement (Cost) Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
TotalBalanceSheet__c Total Balance Sheet (Revenue) Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
TotalFailedLines__c Total Failed Lines Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0)
TotalIncomeStatement__c Total Income Statement (Revenue) Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
TotalLineAmortizedBalanceSheet__c Total Line Balance Sheet (Cost) Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
TotalLineAmortizedIncomeStatement__c Total Line Income Statement (Cost) Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
TotalLineBalanceSheet__c Total Line Balance Sheet (Revenue) Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
TotalLineIncomeStatement__c Total Line Income Statement (Revenue) Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
TotalSummaryAmortizedBalanceSheet__c Total Summary Balance Sheet (Cost) Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
TotalSummaryAmortizedIncomeStatement__c Total Summary Income Statement (Cost) Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
TotalSummaryBalanceSheet__c Total Summary Balance Sheet (Revenue) Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
TotalSummaryIncomeStatement__c Total Summary Income Statement (Revenue) Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
TotalSummaryTransactions__c Total Summary Transactions Fall 2020 Summary
TotalTransactionLines__c Total Transaction Lines Pre-Spring 2018 Summary

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