ffscpq.RefreshRatesServiceglobal with sharing class RefreshRatesService A service that provides functionality related to refreshing estimate rates. MethodsrefreshRatesglobal static List<ffscpq.RefreshRatesService.RefreshRatesResponse> refreshRates(List<ffscpq.RefreshRatesService.RefreshRatesRequest> requests) A method that refreshes the rates of estimates. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns RefreshRatesResponse in a list that parallels the input list. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. // A list of estimate IDs that will have their rates refreshed. List<Id> estimateIds = new List<Id>{ 'a6321000000XmT0AaC' }; // Construct the request ffscpq.RefreshRatesService.RefreshRatesRequest request = new ffscpq.RefreshRatesService.RefreshRatesRequest( estimateIds ); List<ffscpq.RefreshRatesService.RefreshRatesResponse> responses = ffscpq.RefreshRatesService.refreshRates( new List<ffscpq.RefreshRatesService.RefreshRatesRequest>{ request } ); // Extract the IDs of the estimates whose rates have been refreshed successfully. System.debug('Ids of estimates that had their rates refreshed: ' + responses[0].EstimateIds); ffscpq.RefreshRatesService.RefreshRatesRequestglobal with sharing class RefreshRatesRequest The request structure for refreshing the rates of estimates. Properties
MethodsRefreshRatesRequestglobal RefreshRatesRequest(List<Id> estimateIds) Input Parameters
ffscpq.RefreshRatesService.RefreshRatesResponseglobal with sharing class RefreshRatesResponse The result returned after refreshing the rates of estimates. Properties
MethodsRefreshRatesResponseglobal RefreshRatesResponse(List<Id> estimateIds, Id jobId) |