Accumulated_Depreciation__c |
Accumulated Depreciation |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Total depreciation of the asset to date based on the depreciation amount on each posted depreciation schedule.
Currency(18,4) |
0 |
Additional_Depreciation_Allowance_Amount__c |
Additional Depreciation Allowance Amount |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Any additional depreciation allowance amount that should be included in the MACRS calculation.
Currency(18,2) |
Asset_Cost__c |
Asset Cost |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Purchase or Transfer cost of the asset. This is the starting value of the asset and is used to calculate the Quantity of Usefulness
Formula: Fixed_Asset__r.Asset_Cost__c
Currency(18,2) |
Asset_Group__c |
Asset Group |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Asset grouping used to determine the accumulated depreciation account in the general ledger
Looks up to: Asset_Group__c
Lookup |
Asset_Sub_Group__c |
Asset Sub-Group |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Secondary group to further classify the asset within the asset group to which it belongs
Looks up to: Asset_Sub_Group__c
Lookup |
Business_Cost__c |
Business Cost |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
The cost of the asset to the business based on its percentage business use.
Formula: Fixed_Asset__r.Asset_Cost__c * Fixed_Asset__r.Business_Use_Percent__c
Currency(18,2) |
Claim_Special_Depreciation_Allowance__c |
Claim Special Depreciation Allowance |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Indicates that this book should claim the special depreciation allowance.
Checkbox |
false |
Depreciation_Method__c |
Depreciation Method |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
The depreciation method used in the MACRS tax depreciation calculation.
Picklist: 150% Declining Balance - ADS 150% Declining Balance - GDS 200% Declining Balance - GDS Straight Line - ADS (Non Real Property) Straight Line - ADS (Real Property) Straight Line - GDS (Non Real Property) Straight Line - GDS (Real Property) |
Depreciation_System__c |
Depreciation System |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
The types of MACRS depreciation system.
Picklist: ADS GDS |
Fixed_Asset__c |
Fixed Asset |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Fixed Asset to which the depreciation book applies
Looks up to: Fixed_Asset__c
Lookup |
MACRS_Basis_Cost__c |
MACRS Basis Cost |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
The cost to use in the calculation of the MACRS tax depreciation.
Formula: Business_Cost__c - ( Section_179_Deduction__c + Special_Depreciation_Allowance_Amount__c + Additional_Depreciation_Allowance_Amount__c )
Currency(18,2) |
MACRS_Convention__c |
MACRS Convention |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
The convention to use for the MACRS tax depreciation calculation.
Picklist: Half-Year Mid-Month Mid-Quarter |
Parent_Book__c |
Parent Book |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Lookup to the parent depreciation book. Contains a value when the asset to which the book belongs has inherited a depreciation book at the asset group or asset sub group level.
Looks up to: Depreciation_Book__c
Lookup |
Period_End_Date__c |
Period End Date |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Date until when the Depreciation Book is used to calculate depreciation.
Date |
Period_Start_Date__c |
Period Start Date |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Date from when the Depreciation Book is used to calculate depreciation.
Date |
Property_Assets_Deduction__c |
100% Qualifying Property Asset |
Fall 2019 |
If this checkbox is selected you can apply the section 179 bonus depreciation of up to 100 percent.
Checkbox |
false |
Push_Group_Changes__c |
Group Changes To Be Pushed To Child Book |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Indicates whether the book has changes to push to its child books.
Checkbox |
false |
Quantity_of_Usefulness__c |
Quantity of Usefulness / Net Book Value |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Asset Cost minus Accumulated Depreciation in the accounting book.
Formula: Asset_Cost__c - Accumulated_Depreciation__c
Currency(18,2) |
Recovery_Period__c |
Recovery Period (Years) |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
The recovery period used in the MACRS tax depreciation calculation.
Picklist: 10 12 14 15 20 22 24 25 27.5 3 30 31.5 35 39 4 40 5 50 7 9.5 |
Regenerate__c |
Depreciation Schedules Need Regenerating |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Indicates whether you need to regenerate the depreciation schedules for the book. If the depreciation book has been changed since the depreciation schedules were generated, the checkbox is selected.
Checkbox |
false |
Salvage_Value__c |
Salvage Value |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Value of the asset at the end of its productive life. Enter a value greater than or equal to zero.
Currency(12,2) |
Section_179_Deduction__c |
Section 179 Deduction |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
The amount that can be deducted from the asset's cost for MACRS tax calculations under Section 179.
Currency(18,2) |
Service_Life_in_Units__c |
Service Life in Units |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Number of units this asset is expected to produce while in service.
Number(12,2) |
Service_Life_in_Years__c |
Service Life in Years |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Number of years the asset is expected to be in productive use.
Number(4,2) |
Special_Depreciation_Allowance_Amount__c |
Special Depreciation Allowance Amount |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
The calculated amount that will be claimed as the special depreciation allowance.
Formula: (Business_Cost__c - Section_179_Deduction__c) * Special_Depreciation_Allowance_Percent__c
Currency(18,2) |
Special_Depreciation_Allowance_Percent__c |
Special Depreciation Allowance Percent |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
The percentage calculated for the special depreciation allowance.
Formula: IF ( Claim_Special_Depreciation_Allowance__c = TRUE, IF( Property_Assets_Deduction__c = TRUE, 1, IF( Fixed_Asset__r.Date_In_Service__c < DATE(2017,9,27), 0, IF( Fixed_Asset__r.Date_In_Service__c >= DATE(2017,9,27) && Fixed_Asset__r.Date_In_Service__c < DATE(2023,1,1), 1, IF( Fixed_Asset__r.Date_In_Service__c >= DATE(2023,1,1) && Fixed_Asset__r.Date_In_Service__c < DATE(2024,1,1), 0.8, IF( Fixed_Asset__r.Date_In_Service__c >= DATE(2024,1,1) && Fixed_Asset__r.Date_In_Service__c < DATE(2025,1,1), 0.6, IF( Fixed_Asset__r.Date_In_Service__c >= DATE(2025,1,1) && Fixed_Asset__r.Date_In_Service__c < DATE(2026,1,1), 0.4, IF( Fixed_Asset__r.Date_In_Service__c >= DATE(2026,1,1) && Fixed_Asset__r.Date_In_Service__c < DATE(2027,1,1), 0.2, 0) ) ) ) ) ) ),0 )
Percent(18,0) |
Time_Period_Basis__c |
Time Period Basis |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Time period basis for depreciation schedule updates.
Picklist: Half Year Month Quarter Year |
Written_Down_Value__c |
Written Down Value |
Pre-Fall 2018 |
Asset Cost minus accumulated tax depreciation allowances to be claimed in the tax book.
Formula: Asset_Cost__c - Salvage_Value__c - Accumulated_Depreciation__c
Currency(18,2) |