Creating Reminder Rules


In Accounting Spring 2023, you cannot create or edit reminder rules using the single company reminder rule process. You must update your org to use the multi-company reminder rules process. However, in this release you are still restricted to assigning a single company to each reminder rule that you create.

When you create a reminder rule you can configure the following:

  • The company in your org that the reminders are sent from.
  • The number of days from the due date that the reminder is sent.
  • The email template that is used to send reminders.
  • Use Conga to attach sales invoices or billing documents to the reminder email.
  • Whether the reminders are sent from an org-wide email address.
  • Whether the rule is automated.
  • Whether the rule is active.

Automated reminder rules are scheduled to run daily. You can select the time that you want the automated reminders to be sent. You cannot automate a rule if you are using Conga attachments.

If you have multiple companies in your org that you want to send reminders from, you must create separate reminder rules for each company.

Each rule that you create must be unique.

To create a reminder rule:

  1. On the Reminder Rules tab, click New. The Reminder Rules Details window displays.
  2. In the Rule Name field, enter the name of the reminder rule. The name displays on the Reminders section of the Collections page. We recommend you make the name descriptive. For example, 1st Reminder, or 30 days after Due Date.
  3. In the Days before or after Due Date field, enter one of the following:
    • A negative number to send reminders before the due date.
    • 0 to send reminders on the due date.
    • A positive number to send reminders after the due date.
  4. [Optional] To automate the rule, select the Automated checkbox.
  5. [Optional] To attach sales invoices or billing documents to the reminder using Conga, select the Use Conga Attachments checkbox.
  6. [Optional] If you have selected the Automated check box, enter a time in the Preferred Start Time field.
  7. [Optional] Enter a description of the reminder rule.
  8. Click Save. The Reminder Rule page displays.
  9. In the Reminder Rules Setup sub tab, click Manage. The Reminder Rules Setup window displays.
  10. In the Email Template Name field, select the email template that you want to use from the picklist.
  11. In the Company field, select the company that you want to associate with the reminder rule.
  12. [Optional] Select a sender email address.
  13. Click Save.
  14. On the Reminder Rule page, click Activate to make your rule active.