Reminder Rule Fields

These are the fields that are displayed on the Reminder Rules object.

Key: * – Mandatory field

Field   Description
Active   A checkbox indicating that the rule is active.

A checkbox indicating that the rule is automated. This is used by the batch job to send reminders automatically, at the time in the Preferred Start Time field.

You can only send automated reminders using Classic Templates.

Company * Lookup to the company that this rule applies to.

Days before or after Due Date


The number of days before or after the invoice due date that you want to send a reminder on. Enter one of the following:

  • A negative number (for example, -10) to send a reminder before the due date.
  • 0 to send a reminder on the due date.
  • A positive number to send a reminder after the due date.
Description   The description of the reminder rule.
Email Template Name   Lookup to the email template that you want to use to generate the reminders for this rule.
Preferred Start Time  

If you have selected the Automated checkbox, you can enter the time at which you want to send reminders.

Reminder Rule Company ID   Lookup to the reminder rule company object that stores the company associated with the reminder rule.
Rule Name *

Name of the rule, up to 80 characters in length.

Select Template To Attach  

You can select the templates type that you want to use to send the reminders for this rule. You can select either:

  • Classic Templates, or
  • Conga Templates

You can only use Conga Templates if you have configured them in your org.

Sender Email Address   Lookup to the org-wide email addresses available to send reminders from. If 'None' is selected, reminders are sent from the email address of the user who starts the reminder process.


The following buttons are displayed on the Reminder Rules page.

Button Description
Active Activates the reminder rule and updates the Active checkbox.

Deactivates the reminder rule and updates the Active checkbox.


If you deactivate a rule that has a scheduled job, the scheduled job is automatically deleted. If you activate the rule again, the scheduled job is recreated.

Edit Allows you to edit the reminder rule details.
Manage Displayed on the Reminder Rule Setup tab. Displays the Reminder Rule Setup window, allowing you to edit the Email Template Name, Companies, and Sender Email Address fields.
New Creates a new reminder rule.

Reminder Rules Company

These fields are displayed on the Reminder Rules Company object.

Key: * – Mandatory field

Field   Description
Company *

Lookup to the company associated with the reminder rule.

Reminder Rule * Master-detail relationship field containing the name of the reminder rule that this record is associated with.
Reminder Rule Company Number


Auto-generated record number.