New Features and Enhancements in Financial Analytics Spring 2023

The following new features have been introduced in the Spring 2023 release of Financial Analytics.

If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading to Financial Analytics Spring 2023. This provides a summary of the items that have been added for each feature and details of any required upgrade steps.

Budget Comparison Dashboard

The Budget Comparison dashboard enables you to:

  • Compare budgets with budget versions and actuals.
  • View the variance, variance details, and state.
  • View the margin trend.

You can use the filters to filter by company and corporate currency, by general ledger account, and by annual, quarterly, and monthly periods. For more information, see Budget Comparison Dashboard.

Migration from Dataflow to Recipe

We have started migrating the Financial Analytics dataflow to a recipe. Starting with Spring 2023, the following datasets are created as part of the new Financial Analytics recipe:

  • Financial Accounts
  • Financial Periods
  • Currencies

We have not changed the input objects that we use to retrieve the data from or the resulting datasets.

For more information about the differences between recipes and dataflows, see the Salesforce Help.

Removed Financial Statements Dashboards

We have removed the following dashboards from the Financial Analytics and Financial Statements apps:

  • Balance Sheet
  • Income Statement
  • Trial Balance

The dashboards can be fully replaced with Financial Report Builder reports. If you haven't already migrated to Financial Report Builder, we recommend that you migrate now. Compared to Analytics dashboards, Financial Report Builder provides advanced features for financial statements. For more information, see Why Use Financial Report Builder?

Procurement Dashboard

We have made several improvements to the Procurement dashboard.

New Tabs

The Procurement dashboard now features new detail tabs that provide you with increased insights on your key performance indicators.

Spend Summary

This tab enables you to view the spend summary for your purchase contracts, purchase orders, and requisitions. It consists of the following components:

  • Committed Spend Chart
  • Approved Requisition Lines Awaiting Purchase Orders Alert
  • Purchase Contracts Expiring in the Next 60 Days Alert
  • Amount Spent In Chart

For more information, see Spend Summary Tab Overview.

Category Management

This tab enables you to view the status of your purchase orders by category. It consists of the following components:

  • Supplier Spend by Category Chart
  • Total Spend by Category Chart
  • Suppliers with POs by Category Chart

For more information, see Category Management Tab Overview

Purchase Orders

This tab enables you to view additional details for your purchase orders. It consists of the following components:

  • Purchase Orders Awaiting Invoices Chart
  • Purchase Orders by Due Date Chart
  • Purchase Orders Awaiting Approval Alert
  • All Purchase Orders Table

For more information, see Purchase Orders Tab Overview.


This tab enables you to view additional details for your requisition lines. This detail tab contains the Open Requisition Lines table.

For more information, see Requisitions Tab Overview.

Purchase Contracts

This tab enables you to view additional details for your purchase contracts. It consists of the All Purchase Contracts table.

For more information, see Purchase Contracts Tab Overview.

New Filters

We have added new filter options to the tabs of the Procurement dashboard to enable you to display the data you need.

Dashboard Filter Options Added for this Feature
Filter Option Tab
  • Category Management
  • Purchase Contracts
  • Purchase Orders
  • Requisitions
  • Spend Summary
  • Category Management
  • Purchase Orders
  • Spend Summary
Product Group
  • Category Management
  • Purchase Contracts
  • Purchase Orders
  • Requisitions
  • Spend Summary
Purchase Contract Line Status Purchase Contracts
Purchase Contract Status Purchase Contracts
Purchase Order Line Status
  • Category Management
  • Purchase Orders
  • Spend Summary
Purchase Order Status
  • Category Management
  • Purchase Orders
  • Spend Summary
Requisition Line Status Requisitions
Requisition Status Requisitions
Supplier Site
  • Category Management
  • Purchase Contracts
  • Purchase Orders
  • Requisitions
  • Spend Summary
  • Category Management
  • Purchase Contracts
  • Purchase Orders
  • Requisitions
  • Spend Summary

For more information, see Using the Procurement Dashboard

Additional Fields in the Supply Chain Management Core Dataset

We have added multiple fields from the Condition Code, Purchase Contract, Purchase Order, and Requisition Line Item objects to the Supply Chain Management Core dataset. You can leverage this to create your own dashboard focused on procurement management.

For a full list of fields, see Supply Chain Management Core Fields.