Utilization Result Fields

Here is a description of the fields on a utilization result record.

Field Description
Billable Assignment Hours The sum of billable hours calculated from the assignments of the resource that is associated with this utilization result.
Billable Timecard Hours The sum of billable hours calculated from the timecards of the resource that is associated with this utilization result.
Calendar Hours The number of hours from the resource's work calendar on the date of this utilization result.
Credited Assignment Hours The sum of time credited hours calculated from the assignments of the resource that is associated with this utilization result.
Credited Timecard Hours The sum of time credited hours calculated from the timecards of the resource that is associated with this utilization result.
Date The date of this utilization result.
Group The group that is associated with this utilization result on the specified date.
Held Resource Request Hours The sum of hours calculated from the held resource requests of the resource that is associated with this utilization result.
Non-Billable Assignment Hours The sum of non-billable hours calculated from the assignments of the resource that is associated with this utilization result.
Non-Billable Timecard Hours The sum of non-billable hours calculated from the timecards of the resource that is associated with this utilization result.
Practice The practice that is associated with this utilization result on the specified date.
Region The region that is associated with this utilization result on the specified date.
Resource The name of the resource associated with this utilization result.
Resource Role The role of the resource associated with this utilization result on the specified date.
Time Excluded Assignment Hours The sum of time excluded hours calculated from the assignments of the resource that is associated with this utilization result.
Time Excluded Timecard Hours The sum of time excluded hours calculated from the timecards of the resource that is associated with this utilization result.
Unheld Resource Request Hours The sum of hours calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result.
Unheld Resource Request Weighted Hours The sum of weighted hours, calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result.
Unique Identifier The unique identifier for this utilization result record in the format Date, Resource, Resource Role, Region, Practice, and Group.
Utilization Excluded Assignment Hours The sum of hours excluded from utilization calculated from the assignments of the resource that is associated with this utilization result.
Utilization Excluded Held RR Hours The sum of hours excluded from utilization calculated from the held resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result.
Utilization Excluded Unheld RR Hours The sum of hours excluded from utilization calculated from the unheld resource requests of the resource role that is associated with this utilization result.
Utilization Excluded Timecard Hours The sum of hours excluded from utilization calculated from the timecards of the resource that is associated with this utilization result.
Utilization Result Name The utilization result record identifier. The format is URS followed by a generated number.
Utilization Run Lookup to the utilization run this utilization result relates to.
Utilization Target Hours Target hours for the resource associated with this utilization result on the specified date.
Utilization Target Target percentage for the resource associated with this utilization result on the specified date.

Unheld Resource Request Hours at Different Threshold Values



Hours at Threshold Value (1-6) The sum of hours, calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result at different threshold values.
Weighted Hours at Threshold Value (1-6) The sum of weighted hours, calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result at different threshold values.