Utilization Run Fields

Here is a description of the fields on a utilization run record.

Key: The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.



End Date   The end date for this utilization run.
Message 32768 If the status is "Error", this includes information about the error.
Process End Date & Time   The date and time that the utilization run process completed.
Process Start Date & Time   The date and time that the utilization run process started.
Start Date   The start date for this utilization run.
Start Date of Changes   The start date based on the Only Include Changes checkbox for this utilization run.
Status   The current status of the utilization run:
  • Complete
  • Deleting old Utilization Result records
  • Deleting Utilization Run Batch records
  • Error
  • Processing
Total Batches   The number of batches for this utilization run.
Utilization Run Name   The utilization run record identifier. The format is UR followed by a generated number.

Notification Settings

Field Description Default Value
Send Success Email If selected, sends success email when utilization run is successful. Deselected
Send Failure Email If selected, sends failure email when utilization run is unsuccessful. Deselected
Send Success Notification If selected, sends success notifications when utilization run is successful. Deselected
Send Failure Notification If selected, sends failure notifications when utilization run is unsuccessful. Deselected

Threshold Values



Default Value

Threshold Value (1-6) The threshold value used for calculating the hours and weighted hours for unheld resource requests on the utilization result record. -