Upgrading to PS Cloud Analytics Spring 2023

This page describes the changes to make when upgrading to Spring 2023.

See the Upgrade Steps section under each feature for details of any action required. If you don't want to use or upgrade an optional feature, you can skip the upgrade steps for that feature. To perform upgrade steps in your org, you must be assigned administrator permissions.

See the Included in this Feature section under each feature for details of assets such as dashboards, datasets, dataset fields, or lenses that have been added or changed in this release.

For information on new features and changes to existing features in Spring 2023, see New Features and Enhancements in PS Cloud Analytics Spring 2023.


To use a new feature or enhancement, you must upgrade your PS Cloud Analytics app. For more information about how to upgrade apps, see Upgrading the Business Analytics App.

For ease of navigation, the upgrade procedures are presented separately for PS Cloud Core Analytics and PS Cloud Advanced Analytics.

Upgrading to PS Cloud Core Analytics

To upgrade to the new features for PS Cloud Core Analytics, see the below topics.

Project Burnup Dashboard Enhancements

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade steps for Spring 2023


Further Information

Update your PS Cloud Core Analytics app Updating Your PS Cloud Core Analytics App

Included in this Feature

This section details the assets that have been added or changed in this release.

Project Burnup Dashboard Assets Added in Spring 2023



Further Information

Project Currency You can toggle between the Corporate Currency/ Project Currency buttons to view the trends in the dashboard either in corporate currency or project currency. PSA Project Burnup Dashboard
Corporate Currency

Revenue Forecast Overview Dashboard Enhancements

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade steps for Spring 2023


Further Information

Update your PS Cloud Core Analytics app Updating Your PS Cloud Core Analytics App

Included in this Feature

This section details the assets that have been added or changed in this release.

Revenue Forecast Overview Dashboard Assets Added in Spring 2023



Further Information

Adjustment Opportunity Best Case Value Two Adjustment filter options have been added. PSA Revenue Forecast Dashboard
Adjustment Opportunity Worst Case Value
Unscheduled Project Actuals and Scheduled categories in the Billing Distribution chart now have sub categories that are similar to the KPIs.
Unscheduled Opportunity

PS Cloud Analytics Setup Enhancements

Changes to Permission Sets

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023.

Included in this Feature

This section details the assets that have been added or changed in this release.

Permissions deprecated in Spring 2023

Permission Set

Further Information

DEPRECATED: CS Cloud Selected from PSAAnalyticsSetup permission set. This permission has been deprecated.

Dataset Enhancements

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade steps for Spring 2023


Further Information

Update your PS Cloud Core Analytics app Updating Your PS Cloud Core Analytics App

Included in this Feature

This section details the assets that have been added or changed in this release.

Fields added to the Utilization Results dataset in Spring 2023

Field Name


Further Information

Assignment Cost Rate Project Reporting Project Reporting Dataset Output Fields
EvA Assignment Name
Name Project Reporting Flow Input Fields

Field Deprecations

No steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023.

Included in this Feature

This section details the assets that have been added or changed in this release.

Field deprecated in Spring 2023


Further Information


This options checkbox has been deprecated. However, this checkbox might display in your org if you are an existing Customer.


You can update the page layout to remove the deprecated field.

Upgrading to PS Cloud Advanced Analytics

To upgrade to the new features for PS Cloud Advanced Analytics, see the below topics.

New Dashboards

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade steps for Spring 2023


Further Information

Update your PS Cloud Core Analytics app Updating Your PS Cloud Core Analytics App
Update your PS Cloud Advanced Analytics app Creating an App from the PS Cloud Advanced Analytics Template

Included in this Feature

This section details the assets that have been added or changed in this release.

Dashboards Added in Spring 2023



Further Information

Project Scheduling Risk Dashboard Displays a summary of the riskiest projects by scheduled variance. It helps you to track the scheduled versus actual hours variance on your projects and how that has affected the revenue for the last 13 weeks. It also helps to predict risks to the project schedule for the next 13 weeks based on the hours variance for each resource for the last 13 weeks. PSA Project Scheduling Risk Dashboard
Revenue Forecasting Summary Dashboard This dashboard allows the service leaders to interpret the most recent revenue forecast and ascertain how it compares to the previous baseline forecasts. In other words, it displays how the revenue has moved by project, opportunity, region, practice, and group. PSA Revenue Forecast Summary Dashboard

Project Burnup Plus Dashboard Enhancements

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade steps for Spring 2023


Further Information

Update your PS Cloud Core Analytics app Updating Your PS Cloud Core Analytics App
Update your PS Cloud Advanced Analytics app Creating an App from the PS Cloud Advanced Analytics Template

Included in this Feature

This section details the assets that have been added or changed in this release.

Project Burnup Plus Dashboard Assets Added in Spring 2023



Further Information

Project Currency You can toggle between the Corporate Currency/ Project Currency buttons to view the trends in the dashboard either in corporate currency or project currency. PSA Project Burnup Dashboard
Corporate Currency