Editing Payable Invoices

To update selected details on a payable invoice, click Edit on a payable invoice detail or list page at any time prior to posting, and then change the fields you want to update. In some organizations you may need to return to Classic EditionClosed The view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package. to make the changes you want to make. In this case, click Classic Edit instead.

See Payable Invoice Fields for a full description of the standard fields that make up a payable invoice.

We do not recommend changing a default value if it is applicable to the line item that you want to add or edit.

For information about maintaining the lines on an existing payable invoice, see Payable Invoice Line Items.

Placing Payable Invoices on Hold


Although placing a payable invoice on hold prevents it from being retrieved by the selection process in Payments, it doesn't stop manual payment through Cash Matching.

If your administrator has enabled this, you can see the Hold Status of payable invoices on appropriate list views. If you can't see this on your list views, contact your administrator. You cannot edit these statuses directly.

Note that you can only place a payable invoice on hold or release it for payment if the payment status is "Unpaid".

Amending Posted Payable Invoices

This section describes how to amend a posted payable invoice in Lightning Experience and in the different editions of our application. If you are unsure which version you are using, contact your administrator.

Note 1:

The ability to edit custom fields that have been set up for sub-analysis mapping is controlled by the Enable Edit Sub-Analysis (after posting) field in the Accounting Settings custom setting. If you cannot edit these fields on a posted document, contact your administrator.

  • The ability to edit dimensions on a posted document is controlled by the Enable Edit Dimensions (after posting) field in the Accounting Settings custom setting. If you find you cannot edit dimensions on a posted document, contact your administrator.
  • If you edit a pre-existing dimension on a posted document, the new one must have the same currency as before, or be home, document or dual currency. If you add a new dimension to a posted document where one didn't exist previously, it must be in document, home or dual currency.
  • You cannot edit dimensions on a posted document if its period is closed. This validation is unaffected by the custom setting.
  • You can use the standard Salesforce tracking field history feature on the transaction line item custom object to track changes to these fields. See the Salesforce Help for more information. Remember to add the Transaction Line Item History related list to your page layout.