User Management Template Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the custom metadata types that make up a user management template.

Key: * – Mandatory field

Field Name



Label * Label of the user management template to be applied to the Salesforce user.
User Management Template Name * Unique name of the user management template to be applied to the Salesforce user.
Persona   If selected, the user management template was created using the Persona Workbench.

User Management Template Data Fields

Field Name



Label * Label of the user management template item to be applied to the Salesforce user.
Plugin * Lookup to the user management template plugin (FDN plugin record) to use for this user information template item. Search for UMT in the lookup for the full list of available plugins.
Template * User management template to which this user management template data belongs.
Value *

Value of the template item to be applied using the plugin:

  • Permission Set: Enter the API name of the permission set. For example, for the FDN Common Concepts - Company permission set, enter ERPCommonConceptsCompany.
  • Permission Set Group: Enter the API name of the permission set group. For example, for a permission set group with an API name of SystemAdminCompany, enter SystemAdminCompany.

  • Package License: Enter the namespace of the package for which you want to assign licenses. For example, for Foundations, enter fferpcore.
User Management Template Item Name * Unique name of the user management template item to be applied to the Salesforce user.

FDN Plugin Fields

Field Name



Class Name *

The name of the Apex class to use when the Apply User Information job runs. This must be an implementation of fferpcore.UserInformationPlugin.Stage. Foundations is supplied with these plugins:

  • Package Licenses – Enables you to assign users licenses to packages on your Salesforce org.
  • Permission Sets and Permission Set Groups– Enables you to assign users permission sets and permission set groups on your Salesforce org.
  • Accounting Companies – Enables you to assign users Accounting companies on your Salesforce org.

You can also create your own plugins. For more information, see the Foundations API documentation on Certinia Community.

Label * Label of the user management template item to be applied to the Salesforce user.
Plugin Name * Unique name of the plugin.
Running Order   Number that enables you to determine the order in which user management template plugins run. You can use this for information that must be created in a specific order. User management template plugins with the lowest number run first.