Upgrading to Foundations Summer 2023

This page describes the changes to make when upgrading to Summer 2023.

See the Upgrade Steps section under each feature for details of any action required. If you don't want to use or upgrade an optional feature, you can skip the upgrade steps for that feature. To perform upgrade steps in your org, you must be assigned administrator permissions.

See the Included in This Feature section under each feature for details of items such as objects, fields, or buttons that have been added in this release.


Where new objects, fields, or buttons have been added for a feature, we recommend that you add them to any relevant page layouts, profiles, and permission sets. For information on how to do this, see the Salesforce Help.

For information on new features and changes to existing features in Summer 2023, see New Features and Enhancements in Foundations Summer 2023.

FinancialForce is Now Certinia

We have made the following changes to align with our new Certinia brand:

  • The publisher name has been updated to Certinia
  • Package names no longer reference FinancialForce
  • In most cases, text referring to FinancialForce has been replaced with Certinia

For more information about these updates and related text changes, see the Package Name Updates article in the Certinia Community and the Technical Documentation Pack.

To learn more about our rebrand, visit the Certinia Community for a message from our CEO, Scott Brown.


Major versions include updates to both package and publisher names. In service packs, only the package name has changed. Some elements, such as theming and logos, have not been updated and other references to FinancialForce might remain visible in your org.

Changes to Relationship Activation Methods

No steps are required to upgrade this feature to Summer 2023.

Creating Mappings Using Parent Data

No steps are required to upgrade this feature to Summer 2023.

Disabling Custom Mappings

No steps are required to upgrade this feature to Summer 2023.

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added in this release to support this functionality.


Fields Added in Summer 2023



Further Information

Mapping Disabled Disabling Mappings

Viewing Mappings on a Messaging Relationship

No steps are required to upgrade this feature to Summer 2023.

Sierra Leone Currency Update

If you do not use the SLE currency in Foundations, no steps are required to upgrade this feature.

If you started using the SLE currency in Foundations exchange rates in Spring 2023, you can update the field label and name to show more details. For more information, see Updating a Currency’s Name when Only ISO Code is Displayed.

Accounts Payable Automation

Upgrade Steps

Note: This feature is part of the Certinia Early Adopter Program. This program is only available to a limited number of customers. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager.
Upgrade Steps for Summer 2023


Further Information

Assign the FDN - Manage Scanned Payable Documents permission set to the user profiles who will work on Accounts Payable Automation.

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

If you want to use any new Foundations Lightning actions, add them to your object page layouts.

For information on adding quick actions to page layouts in Lightning Experience, see the Salesforce Help.

Included in this Feature

Lightning Actions

Lightning Actions in Summer 2023
Lightning Action Page Layout Further Information
Confirm  Scanned Payable Document Layout  Scanned Payable Document Fields
Create Payable Invoice

Custom Object

Custom Objects Added in Summer 2023



Further Information

Scanned Payable Document 

Contains Scanned Payable Document information, details of the data sent by the customers, and JSON returned from OCR.

Scanned Payable Document Fields

Scanned Payable Document Line

The lines on the Scanned Payable Document.

Scanned Payable Document Fields


Fields Added in Summer 2023
Fields Further Information
Account Scanned Payable Document Fields
Due Date
Error Details
Invoice Currency
Invoice Date
Invoice Line Number
Invoice Total
Line Description
Net Total
Scanned Payable Document Number
Vendor Invoice Number
Scanned Payable Document Email Company Fields

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Added in Summer 2023

Permission Set Name

Further Information

FDN - Manage Scanned Payable Document

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Field Sets

Field Sets Added in Summer 2023

Field Set

Further Information

Scanned Payable Document Line Fields

Scanned Payable Document Line Field Sets

New Product Updates Preflight Checks Page

No steps are required to upgrade this feature to Summer 2023.

Product Updates Manual Preflight Checks

No steps are required to upgrade this feature to Summer 2023.

Release Content

Upgrade Steps

If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading to In-App Guidance Summer 2023. This provides a summary of the items that have been added for each feature and details of any required upgrade steps.