New Features and Enhancements in Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector Summer 2023

The following new features have been introduced in the Summer 2023 release of Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector.

If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading to Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector Summer 2023. This provides a summary of the items that have been added for each feature and details of any required upgrade steps.

FinancialForce is Now Certinia

We have made the following changes to align with our new Certinia brand:

  • The publisher name has been updated to Certinia
  • Package names no longer reference FinancialForce
  • In most cases, text referring to FinancialForce has been replaced with Certinia

For more information about these updates and related text changes, see the Package Name Updates article in the Certinia Community and the Technical Documentation Pack.

To learn more about our rebrand, visit the Certinia Community for a message from our CEO, Scott Brown.


Major versions include updates to both package and publisher names. In service packs, only the package name has changed. Some elements, such as theming and logos, have not been updated and other references to FinancialForce might remain visible in your org.

Supply Chain Management Is Now Order and Inventory Management

Supply Chain Management (SCM) is now Order and Inventory Management. The package for the core product has been renamed Order and Inventory Management and the related product packages have also been renamed accordingly. The table below provides a summary of the product name changes in the SCM suite.

Old Package Name New Package Name
SCM Order and Inventory Management
AdvancedQuoting Advanced Quoting
SCM-FFA Connector Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector
AvaTax for SCM Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara
SCMAVAFFA Order and Inventory Management – Avalara – Accounting Connector
SCM Workspaces Order and Inventory Management Workspaces

We have updated all the relevant labels in the packages. If you are upgrading from a previous version, some labels might not be automatically updated.

We have also made the required updates in our Help so that our content is aligned with the name changes.

Improved Administrator Experience

We have introduced several enhancements that help administrators set up, configure, and manage Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector more easily.

Administration Page

The new OIM – Accounting Connector Admin Lightning page enables you to configure the settings for each of the connector flows, without needing to access the OIM – Accounting Connector Settings custom setting from Setup.

You can also view and customize the mappings for each flow using the Manage Mappings button. For more information, see Viewing Mappings.

Clicking the Manage Scheduled Jobs displays a window that enables you to view, schedule, and delete background executions of flows. In previous versions of the connector, you could only schedule jobs from Setup. For more information, see Managing Scheduled Jobs.

For more information about the page, see OIM – Accounting Connector Admin Page.

The page contains the OIM – Accounting Administration component that you can add to any Lightning app page. For more information about the component, see OIM – Accounting Administration Fields.

You can access the page from the Foundations & Integrations tab. For more information, see Foundations and Integrations Task Launcher Overview.

Customizable Mappings

You can now view and customize the mappings for each flow. You can access the mappings from the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin page using the Manage Mappings button. The new mappings enable you to leverage all the features available in Foundations mappings. You can view the default mappings, add custom field mappings, and override the default field-level mappings. For more information, see Viewing Mappings.

Permission Sets

Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector now contains managed permission sets. For more information, see Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation.

Feature to Update Page Layouts

The Update Page Layouts Feature Console feature enables you to easily add the connector fields to the relevant Order and Inventory Management and Accounting page layouts. For more information, see Enabling the Update Page Layouts Feature in Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector.

Suppliers to Accounts

We have improved the Suppliers to Accounts flow. For more information about the flow, see Suppliers to Accounts.

Customizable Mappings

You can view and customize the mappings for this flow from the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin page. For more information, see Viewing Mappings.

To streamline the default mappings, we have added the Accounts Payable Control GLA and Accounts Receivable Control GLA lookup fields to the Supplier Site object. These fields automatically populate from the default values set in the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin page. You can then change the values for a specific supplier. As the flow runs in real time, the new values are automatically synchronized.

AP Vouchers to Payable Invoices

We have improved the AP Vouchers to Payable Invoices flow. For more information about the flow, see AP Vouchers to Payable Invoices.

Customizable Mappings

You can view and customize the mappings for this flow from the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin page. For more information, see Viewing Mappings.

To streamline the default mappings, we have added several lookup fields to the AP Voucher and AP Voucher Line objects. These fields automatically populate from the related records when you create or update an AP voucher line.

We have also changed the label of the previously Deprecated - Company lookup on the Purchase Order object to Accounting Company. The Accounting Company lookup is now automatically populated from the Company Name picklist field. We then use the Accounting Company lookup to populate the new Accounting Currency field. When you create AP voucher lines, the Accounting Company and Accounting Currency fields are automatically copied from the related purchase order. This improves performance and streamlines the default mappings, while enabling you to keep using the Company Name picklist field as you previously did.

For more information about the default mappings, see Mappings.

Validate While Matching

As part of the AP voucher matching process, the connector can now validate that the required fields on AP voucher lines are populated. This ensures that you cannot match an AP voucher by mistake if it is not valid for creating a payable invoice. This feature is disabled by default. You can enable it from the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin page. For more information, see OIM – Accounting Administration Fields.

Improved Automation

In addition to automatically creating a payable invoice after an AP voucher is matched, you can define custom criteria that trigger the automation. You can do this by creating a checkbox or a formula checkbox field. As soon as the field is selected and the AP voucher has been matched, a payable invoice is created. This enables you to have more control over the automation process. For more information, see Setting up Automatic Document Creation.

Lightning Experience

The new Create Payable Invoice Lightning action replaces the existing Push to Accounting record button.

The new action provides a more intuitive and streamlined user experience. When you click Create Payable Invoice, a Lightning window where you can confirm the action displays. Once the payable invoice is created, a toast message displays with a link to it. For more information, see Creating a Payable Invoice from a Single AP Voucher.

In addition, we have renamed the Pull AP Vouchers list button on the Payable Invoice object. The new label of the button is Create from AP Vouchers. When you click the button, a toast message with additional information now displays. This also reduces the number of clicks that you need to perform.


If the flow runs in the background, you can now receive a Salesforce notification and an email notification with the results of the action. This enables you to easily identify and fix any errors that might have occurred. Both Salesforce and email notifications are enabled by default for new installs. You can disable them from the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin page. For more information, see OIM – Accounting Administration Fields.

Increased Line Limit

Previously, the default line limit was 80. This means that if an AP voucher contained more than 80 lines, multiple payable invoices were created. We have increased the default limit to 1000.


Depending on the customizations in your org, you might need to enter a lower number.

AP Voucher Credits to Payable Credit Notes

We have introduced the AP Voucher Credits to Payable Credit Notes flow. This enables you to record voided and credited AP vouchers as payable credit notes in Accounting. You can only do this if the payable invoice related to the AP voucher has been posted.

This flow follows the same patterns as other connector flows. This includes:

  • Customizable mappings using Foundations mappings.
  • The Create Payable Credit Note Lightning action on the AP Voucher Credit record page.
  • The Create from AP Voucher Credits list button on the Payable Credit Notes list view.
  • Automation when creating the AP voucher credit or using a custom criteria field.
  • Scheduled background executions.
  • Salesforce and email notifications.

For more information, see AP Voucher Credits to Payable Credit Notes.

OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices

We have improved the OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices flow. For more information about the flow, see OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices.

Customizable Mappings

You can view and customize the mappings for this flow from the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin page. For more information, see Viewing Mappings.

To streamline the default mappings, we have added several lookup fields to the Invoicing and Invoice Line Item objects. These fields automatically populate from the related records when you create an invoice or complete a shipment related to the invoice.

We have also changed the label of the previously Deprecated - Company lookup on the Sales Order and Service Contract objects to Accounting Company. The Accounting Company lookup is now automatically populated from the Company Name picklist field. When you create an invoice, the Accounting Company field is automatically copied from the related sales order or service contract. We then use the Accounting Company lookup to populate the new Accounting Currency field. This improves performance and streamlines the default mappings, while enabling you to keep using the Company Name picklist field on sales orders and services contracts as you previously did.

We have also extended the default mappings to include the Engagement field from the sales order related to the invoice. When a sales invoice is created from an Order and Inventory Management invoice, it is now automatically linked to the sales order's engagement.

For more information about the default mappings, see Mappings.

Improved Automation

In addition to automatically creating a sales invoice after a shipment related to an invoice is complete, you can define custom criteria that trigger the automation. You can do this by creating a checkbox or a formula checkbox field. As soon as the field is selected and the shipment is complete, a sales invoice is created. This enables you to have more control over the automation process.

In addition, you can now automatically create sales invoices when billing drop ship sales order line items without needing to use plugins. You can also define custom criteria that trigger the automation.

For more information, see Setting up Automatic Document Creation.

Lightning Experience

The new Create Sales Invoice Lightning action replaces the existing Push to Accounting record button.

The new action provides a more intuitive and streamlined user experience. When you click Create Sales Invoice, a Lightning window where you can confirm the action displays. Once the sales invoice is created, a toast message displays with a link to it. For more information, see Creating a Sales Invoice from a Single OIM Invoice.

In addition, we have renamed the Pull SCM Invoices list button on the Sales Invoice object. The new label of the button is Create from OIM Invoices. When you click the button, a toast message with additional information now displays. This also reduces the number of clicks that you need to perform.


If the flow runs in the background, you can now receive a Salesforce notification and an email notification with the results of the action. This enables you to easily identify and fix any errors that might have occurred. Both Salesforce and email notifications are enabled by default for new installs. You can disable them from the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin page. For more information, see OIM – Accounting Administration Fields.

Increased Line Limit

Previously, the default line limit was 80. This means that if an invoice contained more than 80 lines, multiple sales invoices were created. We have increased the default limit to 600.


Depending on the customizations in your org, you might need to enter a lower number.

Credit Invoices to Sales Credit Notes

We have improved the Credit Invoices to Sales Credit Notes flow. For more information about the flow, see Credit Invoices to Sales Credit Notes.

Customizable Mappings

You can view and customize the mappings for this flow from the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin page. For more information, see Viewing Mappings.

To streamline the default mappings, we have reused the existing fields from the related invoice and sales invoice. We have also added the Accounting Credit Invoice Date and Credit Invoice Due Date fields. You can use the Credit Invoice Due Date field to change the due date of the sales credit note.

We have also extended the default mappings to include the Engagement field from the related sales order. When a sales credit note is created from a credit invoice, it is now automatically linked to the sales order's engagement.

For more information about the default mappings, see Mappings.

Improved Automation

In addition to automatically creating a sales credit note as soon as a credit invoice is created, you can define custom criteria that trigger the automation. You can do this by creating a checkbox or a formula checkbox field. When the field is selected, a sales credit note is created. This enables you to have more control over the automation process. For more information, see Setting up Automatic Document Creation.

Lightning Experience

The new Create Sales Credit Note Lightning action replaces the existing Push to Accounting record button.

The new action provides a more intuitive and streamlined user experience. When you click Create Sales Credit Note, a Lightning window where you can confirm the action displays. Once the sales credit note is created, a toast message displays with a link to it. For more information, see Creating a Sales Credit Note from a Single Credit Invoice.

In addition, we have renamed the Pull SCM Credit Invoices list button on the Sales Credit Note object. The new label of the button is Create from Credit Invoices. When you click the button, a toast message with additional information now displays. This also reduces the number of clicks that you need to perform.


If the flow runs in the background, you can now receive a Salesforce notification and an email notification with the results of the action. This enables you to easily identify and fix any errors that might have occurred. Both Salesforce and email notifications are enabled by default for new installs. You can disable them from the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin page. For more information, see OIM – Accounting Administration Fields.

Increased Line Limit

Previously, the default line limit was 80. This means that if a credit invoice contained more than 80 lines, multiple sales credit notes were created. We have increased the default limit to 900.


Depending on the customizations in your org, you might need to enter a lower number.

Inventory Transactions to Journals

We have improved the Inventory Transactions to Journals flow. For more information about the flow, see Inventory Transactions to Journals.

Customizable Mappings

You can view and customize the mappings for this flow from the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin page. For more information, see Viewing Mappings.

To streamline the default mappings, we have added several lookup fields to the Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record and Inventory Transaction Financial Record objects. These fields are automatically populated when a record is created. For more information about the default mappings, see Mappings.

Real-Time Perpetual Inventory

The connector can now create journals from inventory transactions as soon as they are created. You no longer need to schedule a job or click a button on the Journals list view. If you also automate posting the journals in Accounting, you won't need to manually interact with your inventory transactions.

You can also define a custom criteria field to fine-tune which inventory transaction perpetual records are processed automatically. For more information, see Setting up Automatic Document Creation.

User Experience Enhancements

We have renamed the Pull SCM Journal list button on the Journal object. The new label of the button is Create from Inventory Transactions. When you click the button, a toast message with additional information now displays. This also reduces the number of clicks that you need to perform.


You can now receive a Salesforce notification and an email notification with the results of each flow execution. This enables you to easily identify and fix any errors that might have occurred. Both Salesforce and email notifications are enabled by default for new installs. You can disable them from the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin page. For more information, see OIM – Accounting Administration Fields.

Certinia Help

If you open the Certinia Help utility bar component from an Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector tab, you can now access the relevant Help page for that tab. This applies to the following tabs:

  • OIM – Accounting Connector Admin
  • Tabs that display mappings for each flow

For more information about the Certinia Help Lightning component, see Certinia Help Overview.