Upgrading to Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector Summer 2023

This page describes the changes to make when upgrading to Summer 2023.

See the Upgrade Steps section under each feature for details of any action required. If you don't want to use or upgrade an optional feature, you can skip the upgrade steps for that feature. To perform upgrade steps in your org, you must be assigned administrator permissions.

See the Included in This Feature section under each feature for details of items such as objects, fields, or buttons that have been added in this release.


Where new objects, fields, or buttons have been added for a feature, we recommend that you add them to any relevant page layouts, profiles, and permission sets. For information on how to do this, see the Salesforce Help.

For information on new features and changes to existing features in Summer 2023, see New Features and Enhancements in Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector Summer 2023.


Before upgrading the Certinia Help package to Summer 2023 from an earlier version, we strongly recommend that you export your existing AP vouchers, invoices, and credit invoices to Accounting. Otherwise, the new lookup fields might not be populated for existing documents and you might need to populate them manually.

FinancialForce is Now Certinia

We have made the following changes to align with our new Certinia brand:

  • The publisher name has been updated to Certinia
  • Package names no longer reference FinancialForce
  • In most cases, text referring to FinancialForce has been replaced with Certinia

For more information about these updates and related text changes, see the Package Name Updates article in the Certinia Community and the Technical Documentation Pack.

To learn more about our rebrand, visit the Certinia Community for a message from our CEO, Scott Brown.


Major versions include updates to both package and publisher names. In service packs, only the package name has changed. Some elements, such as theming and logos, have not been updated and other references to FinancialForce might remain visible in your org.

Supply Chain Management Is Now Order and Inventory Management

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required for the name change. Most labels are automatically updated.

Included in This Feature

This section details the items that have been updated in this release for the name change.

Custom Settings

Custom Settings Renamed in Summer 2023
API Name Original Label New Label Further Information
SCMFFA__SCM_FFA_Connector_Settings__c SCM-FFA Connector Settings OIM – Accounting Connector Settings OIM – Accounting Connector Settings Fields
SCMFFA__SCM_FFA_Plugins__c SCM-FFA Plugins OIM – Accounting Connector Plugins OIM – Accounting Connector Plugins Fields


Fields Renamed in Summer 2023
Object API Name Original Label New Label Further Information
Account SCMFFA__Company_Name__c Company Company Name Account Fields
Product Group SCMFFA__COGS_Account__c COGS Account Cost of Goods Sold GLA Product Group Fields
SCMFFA__Inventory_Account__c Inventory Account Inventory GLA
SCMFFA__Purchase_Analysis_Account_for_Category__c Purchase Analysis Account for Category Purchase Analysis GLA for Category
SCMFFA__Purchase_Analysis_Account__c Purchase Analysis Account for Product Purchase Analysis GLA for Product
SCMFFA__Sales_Revenue_Account__c Sales Revenue Account Sales Revenue GLA

Improved Administrator Experience

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Summer 2023 take the following action.

Upgrade Steps


See Help

Assign the new permission sets to yourself and the relevant users. Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation
Update the relevant page layouts using the Feature Console. Enabling the Update Page Layouts Feature in Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector
Configure the connector settings from the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin tab. We recommend selecting the Send Emails and Send Notifications checkboxes. OIM – Accounting Connector Admin Page

Included in This Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release for this feature.

Custom Settings

Custom Setting Fields Added in Summer 2023

Custom Setting



Further Information

OIM – Accounting Connector Settings Send Emails

When selected, the connector sends an email notification after creating documents in the background.

This is selected by default for new installs, but deselected when upgrading from a previous version.

OIM – Accounting Connector Settings Fields
Send Notifications

When selected, the connector sends a Salesforce notification after creating documents in the background.

This is selected by default for new installs, but deselected when upgrading from a previous version.

Custom Setting Fields Renamed in Summer 2023
Custom Setting API Name Original Label New Label Further Information
OIM – Accounting Connector Settings SCMFFA__Default_Company__c Default Company Default Company Name OIM – Accounting Connector Settings Fields

Lightning Components

Lightning Components Added in Summer 2023



Further Information
OIM – Accounting Administration Manage settings for Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector. OIM – Accounting Administration Fields

Lightning App Pages

Lightning App Pages Added in Summer 2023




Further Information

OIM – Accounting Connector Admin Configure Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector. OIM – Accounting Administration OIM – Accounting Connector Admin Page


Tabs Added in Summer 2023
Tab Description Lightning Page
OIM – Accounting Connector Admin Configure Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector. OIM – Accounting Connector Admin

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Added in Summer 2023
Permission Set Description Further Information
OIM – Accounting - Administration Access the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin page to configure the connector, view mappings, and schedule jobs. Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation
OIM – Accounting - Pull AP Vouchers and AP Voucher Credits

Create payable invoices from AP vouchers using the Create from AP Vouchers list button on the Payable Invoices list view.

Create payable credit notes from AP voucher credits using the Create from AP Voucher Credits list button on the Payable Credit Notes list view.

OIM – Accounting - Pull Inventory Transactions Create journals from inventory transaction perpetual records using the Create from Inventory Transactions list button on the Journals list view.
OIM – Accounting - Pull OIM Invoices and Credit Invoices

Create sales invoices from OIM invoices using the Create from OIM Invoices list button on the Sales Invoices list view.

Create sales credit notes from credit invoices using the Create from Credit Invoices list button on the Sales Credit Notes list view.

OIM – Accounting - Push AP Vouchers and AP Voucher Credits

Create payable invoices from AP vouchers using the Create Payable Invoice Lightning action on the AP Voucher record page.

Create payable credit notes from AP voucher credits using the Create Payable Credit Note Lightning action on the AP Voucher Credit record page.

OIM – Accounting - Push OIM Invoices and Credit Invoices

Create sales invoices from OIM invoices using the Create Sales Invoice Lightning action on the Invoicing record page.

Create sales credit notes from credit invoices using the Create Sales Credit Note Lightning action on the Credit Invoice record page.

OIM – Accounting - Sync Suppliers to Accounts Sync supplier sites to vendor accounts.

Feature Console

Feature Console Features Added in Summer 2023
Feature Description Further Information
Update Page Layouts Adds the connector fields to the relevant page layouts. Enabling the Update Page Layouts Feature in Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector

Suppliers to Accounts

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Summer 2023 take the following action.

Upgrade Steps


See Help

Assign the OIM – Accounting - Sync Suppliers to Accounts permission set to users who need to create and edit supplier sites. Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation
[Optional] Review the mappings for the flow. Viewing Mappings
For your existing supplier sites that are linked to an account, populate the Accounts Payable Control GLA and Accounts Receivable Control GLA fields to keep the records in sync. You can do this in bulk by using list views and Datastream. Datastream Overview
To complete the shipment, ensure that you have assigned the OIM- Accounting - Push OIM Invoices and Credit Invoices permission sets, if no permission sets are assigned, contact your administrator. From the Winter 2024 release onwards, you can complete the shipment without any permission set access. Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Included in This Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release for this feature.


Fields Added in Summer 2023




Further Information

Supplier Site Accounts Payable Control GLA The general ledger account for accounts payable. This is used to populate the Accounts Payable Control field on the related account record. Supplier Site Fields
Accounts Receivable Control GLA The general ledger account for accounts receivable. This is used to populate the Accounts Receivable Control field on the related account record.
Payment Terms Name For system use. The name of the purchase order payment terms associated with the supplier site, shortened to 24 characters.

Lightning App Pages

Lightning App Pages Added in Summer 2023




Further Information
Supplier Site to Account Mappings View and customize mappings for the Suppliers to Accounts flow. FDN Mappings Viewing Mappings


Tabs Added in Summer 2023
Tab Description
Supplier Site to Account Mappings

View and customize mappings for the Suppliers to Accounts flow.

This tab contains the Supplier Site to Account Mappings Lightning page.

AP Vouchers to Payable Invoices

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Summer 2023 take the following action.

Upgrade Steps


See Help

Increase the payable invoice line limit to 1000:

  1. Navigate to the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin tab.
  2. Expand the AP Voucher to Payable Invoice section.
  3. In the Payable Invoice Line Limit field, enter 1000.
OIM – Accounting Administration Fields
[Optional] On the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin tab, in the AP Voucher to Payable Invoice section, select Validate While Matching. OIM – Accounting Administration Fields

[Optional] Add the following fields to the AP Voucher Selection field set on the Purchase Order Line Item object:

  • Purchase Order > Accounting Company
  • Purchase Order > Accounting Currency

This helps users select the correct purchase order line items when adding AP voucher lines from purchase orders.

Purchase Order Fields
Remove the Push to Accounting record button from all the page layouts for the AP Voucher object. AP Voucher Fields
If you do not use the managed Lightning page for the AP Voucher object, add the Create Payable Invoice Lightning action to the relevant page layouts and Lightning pages for the AP Voucher object. AP Voucher Fields
Assign the OIM – Accounting - Push AP Vouchers and AP Voucher Credits permission set to Order and Inventory Management users who need to create payable invoices from a single AP voucher.

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Creating a Payable Invoice from a Single AP Voucher

Assign the OIM – Accounting - Pull AP Vouchers and AP Voucher Credits permission set to Accounting users who need to create payable invoices from all eligible AP vouchers.

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Creating Payable Invoices from All Eligible AP Vouchers

[Optional] Review the mappings for the flow. Viewing Mappings

Perform the steps below for all AP vouchers that were created before you upgraded and were not exported to Accounting. You must do this to ensure that the fields required for creating a payable invoices are populated.

You can use the AP Vouchers list view to see all AP vouchers with the status of "Matched" and the export status of "New" or "Export Error".

  1. Manually populate the Accounting Company field on the purchase orders related to the AP voucher. If the Accounting Company field is already populated, ensure that the Accounting Currency field is also populated.
  2. Manually populate the Accounting Company and Accounting Currency fields on the AP voucher.
  3. For each AP voucher line, manually populate the Item lookup field as follows:
    • If the line is related to a purchase order line item, populate the Item lookup with the value of the Item Being Procured field of the related purchase order line item.
    • If the line is an accounting line, populate the Item lookup with the value of the Accounting Item field.
  4. For each AP voucher line that relates to a category or description purchase order line item, manually populate the General Ledger Account field.
  5. For each tax AP voucher line, manually populate the Product field.

AP Voucher Fields

Purchase Order Fields

Included in This Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release for this feature.


Fields Added in Summer 2023




Further Information

AP Voucher Accounting Company The Accounting company that relates to the AP voucher. AP Voucher Fields
Accounting Currency The Accounting currency of the AP voucher.
AP Voucher Line Dimension 1-4

Dimension 1-4 records that relate to the AP voucher line.

General Ledger Account

General ledger account that relates to the AP voucher line.


Item record that relates to the AP voucher line.


Product that relates to the AP voucher line.

Product Line For system use. Determines whether the AP voucher line represents a product line or an expense line.
Purchase Order Accounting Currency Accounting currency of the purchase order. Purchase Order Fields
Fields Renamed in Summer 2023
Object Field API Name Original Label New Label Further Information
Payable Invoice SCMFFA__Item_Master__c Item Master Item Payable Invoice Fields
Purchase Order SCMFFA__Company__c Deprecated - Company Accounting Company Purchase Order Fields
SCMFFA__Company_Name__c Company Company Name


Buttons Renamed in Summer 2023
Object Type API Name Original Label New Label Further Information
Payable Invoice List Button SCMFFA__Pull_AP_Vouchers Pull AP Vouchers Create from AP Vouchers Payable Invoice Fields

Custom Setting Fields

Custom Setting Fields Added in Summer 2023

Custom Setting



Further Information

OIM – Accounting Connector Settings APV Create PIN Custom Criteria Field API name of the field on the AP Voucher object used to determine whether a payable invoice is automatically created from the AP voucher once it becomes eligible. OIM – Accounting Connector Settings Fields
APV Validate While Matching When selected, the fields on AP voucher required for the integration are validated. If the fields fail the validation, you cannot match the AP voucher. When deselected, AP vouchers can be matched even if the required fields are not valid.
Custom Setting Fields Renamed in Summer 2023
Custom Setting Field API Name Original Field Label New Field Label Further Information
OIM – Accounting Connector Settings SCMFFA__Auto_Post_Payable_Invoice__c Auto Post Payable Invoice APV Auto Post Payable Invoice OIM – Accounting Connector Settings Fields
SCMFFA__Auto_Push_PIN__c Auto Push PIN APV Create PIN When Matching
SCMFFA__Max_PIN_Lines__c Max PIN Lines APV Payable Invoice Line Limit

Lightning App Pages

Lightning App Pages Added in Summer 2023




Further Information
AP Voucher to Payable Invoice Mappings View and customize mappings for the AP Vouchers to Payable Invoices flow. FDN Mappings Viewing Mappings


Tabs Added in Summer 2023
Tab Description
APV to PIN Mappings

View and customize mappings for the AP Vouchers to Payable Invoices flow.

This tab contains the AP Voucher to Payable Invoice Mappings Lightning page.

AP Voucher Credits to Payable Credit Notes

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Summer 2023 take the following action.

Upgrade Steps


See Help

If you developed a custom plugin to automatically create payable credit notes when an AP voucher is voided or credited, we recommend that you disable your custom plugin and use the new automation capabilities instead.

OIM Plugins

Setting up Automatic Document Creation

If you do not use the managed Lightning page for the AP Voucher Credit object, add the Create Payable Credit Note Lightning action to the relevant page layouts and Lightning pages for the AP Voucher Credit object. AP Voucher Credit Fields
Add the Create from AP Voucher Credits list button to the Payable Credit Notes list view. Payable Credit Note Fields
Assign the OIM – Accounting - Push AP Vouchers and AP Voucher Credits permission set to Order and Inventory Management users who need to create payable credit notes from a single AP voucher credit.

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Creating a Payable Credit Note from a Single AP Voucher Credit

Assign the OIM – Accounting - Pull AP Vouchers and AP Voucher Credits permission set to Accounting users who need to create payable credit notes from all eligible AP voucher credits.

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Creating Payable Credit Notes from All Eligible AP Voucher Credits

[Optional] Review the mappings for the flow. Viewing Mappings

Included in This Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release for this feature.


Fields Added in Summer 2023




Further Information

AP Voucher Credit Payable Credit Note Payable credit note that relates to the AP voucher credit. This is automatically populated when a payable credit note is created from the AP voucher credit. AP Voucher Credit Fields
Period Accounting period that the AP voucher credit belongs to. This is automatically populated from the related AP voucher when the AP voucher is credited or voided.
AP Voucher Credit Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item Payable credit note expense line item that relates to the AP voucher line credit. This is automatically populated when an expense line item is created from the AP voucher line credit.
Payable Credit Note Line Item Payable credit note line item that relates to the AP voucher line credit. This is automatically populated when a payable credit note line item is created from the AP voucher line credit.
Product Line Determines whether the AP voucher line credit represents a product line or an expense line. If this is selected, when you create a payable credit note from the related AP voucher credit, a payable credit note line item is created for this line. If this is deselected, a payable credit note expense line item is created for this line.
Payable Credit Note AP Voucher Credit AP voucher credit that relates to the payable credit note. This is automatically populated when the credit note is created from an AP voucher credit. Payable Credit Note Fields
Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item AP Voucher Line Credit AP voucher line credit that relates to the payable credit note expense line item. This is automatically populated when the expense line item is created from an AP voucher line credit.
Payable Credit Note Line Item AP Voucher Line Credit AP voucher line credit that relates to the payable credit note line item. This is automatically populated when the line item is created from an AP voucher line credit.
Item Item that relates to the payable credit note line item. This is automatically populated when the line item is created from an AP voucher line credit.


Buttons Added in Summer 2023
Object Button Type Description Further Information
Payable Credit Note Create from AP Voucher Credits List Button Creates payable credit notes from all eligible AP voucher credits. Payable Credit Note Fields

Custom Setting Fields

Custom Setting Fields Added in Summer 2023

Custom Setting



Further Information

 OIM – Accounting Connector Settings APVC Auto Post Payable Credit Note If selected, when a payable credit note is created from an AP voucher credit, it is automatically posted in Accounting.  OIM – Accounting Connector Settings Fields
APVC Create PCN Custom Criteria Field API name of the field on the AP Voucher Credit object used to determine whether a payable credit note is automatically created from the AP voucher credit once it becomes eligible.
APVC Create PCN When Crediting If selected, when you void or credit an exported AP voucher, a payable credit note is automatically created from the newly created AP voucher credit.
APVC Payable Credit Note Line Limit The maximum number of lines to create on a single payable credit note. If the number of AP voucher line credits exceeds this number, additional payable credit notes are created.
OIM – Accounting Connector Plugins AP Voucher Credit Export The full name of the class to be called when creating payable credit notes from AP voucher credits. This class must extend the SCMFFA.SCMFFAPlugin class. OIM – Accounting Connector Plugins Fields

Lightning App Pages

Lightning App Pages Added in Summer 2023




Further Information
AP Voucher Credit to Payable Credit Note Mappings View and customize mappings for the AP Voucher Credits to Payable Credit Notes flow. FDN Mappings Viewing Mappings


Tabs Added in Summer 2023
Tab Description
APVC to PCN Mappings

View and customize mappings for the AP Voucher Credits to Payable Credit Notes flow.

This tab contains the AP Voucher Credit to Payable Credit Note Mappings Lightning page.

OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Summer 2023 take the following action.

Upgrade Steps


See Help

Increase the sales invoice line limit to 600:

  1. Navigate to the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin tab.
  2. Expand the OIM Invoice to Sales Invoice section.
  3. In the Sales Invoice Line Limit field, enter 600.
OIM – Accounting Administration Fields

If you automated the creation of drop ship sales invoices using the SCMFFA.InvoiceExportPlugin class, perform the following steps:

  1. Remove SCMFFA.InvoiceExportPlugin from the Sales Invoice Bill field on the OIM Plugins custom setting.
  2. Navigate to the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin tab.
  3. Expand the OIM Invoice to Sales Invoice section.
  4. In the Automatically Create Drop Ship Sales Invoices field, select "When Billing a Drop Ship Sales Order".

This ensures the new automation feature is used, instead of the older plugin class.

Using OIM Plugins in Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector

OIM – Accounting Administration Fields

Remove the Push to Accounting record button from all the page layouts for the Invoicing object. Invoicing Fields
If you do not use the managed Lightning page for the Invoicing object, add the Create Sales Invoice Lightning action to the relevant page layouts and Lightning pages for the Invoicing object. Invoicing Fields
Assign the OIM – Accounting - Push OIM Invoices and Credit Invoices permission set to Order and Inventory Management users who need to create sales invoices from a single OIM invoice.

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Creating a Sales Invoice from a Single OIM Invoice

Assign the OIM – Accounting - Pull OIM Invoices and Credit Invoices permission set to Accounting users who need to create sales invoices from all eligible OIM invoices.

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Creating Sales Invoices from All Eligible OIM Invoices

[Optional] Review the mappings for the flow. Viewing Mappings

Perform the steps below for all OIM invoices that were created before you upgraded and were not exported to Accounting. You must do this to ensure that the fields required for creating a sales invoice are populated.

You can use the Invoices list view to see all invoices with the export status of "New" or "Export Error".

  1. Manually populate the Accounting Company field on the sales order related to the invoice.
  2. Manually populate the Accounting Company field on the service contract related to the invoice.

Sales Order Fields

Service Contract Fields

Included in This Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release for this feature.


Fields Added in Summer 2023




Further Information

Invoicing Accounting Company Accounting company that relates to the invoice. Automatically populated from the Accounting Company field on the related sales order or service contract. Invoicing Fields
Accounting Currency Accounting currency of the invoice. Automatically set to the Accounting currency linked to the Accounting company that has the same ISO code as the record defined in the Currency field on the related sales order or service contract.
Invoice Line Item Derived Unit Price For system use. Price of one item for the invoice line. This is calculated depending on the record type.
Product Product that relates to the invoice line item. This is automatically populated based on the record type.
Fields Renamed in Summer 2023
Object Field API Name Original Label New Label Further Information
Invoicing SCMFFA__Credit_Note__c Credit Note Sales Credit Note Invoicing Fields
Invoice Line Item SCMFFA__Credit_Note_Line_Item__c Credit Note Line Item Sales Credit Note Line Item
Sales Credit Note SCMFFA__SCM_Invoice__c SCM Invoice OIM Invoice Sales Credit Note Fields
Sales Credit Note Line Item SCMFFA__SCM_Invoice_Line__c SCM Invoice Line OIM Invoice Line
Sales Invoice SCMFFA__SCM_Invoice__c SCM Invoice OIM Invoice Sales Invoice Fields
Sales Invoice Line Item SCMFFA__Item_Name__c Item Name Item
SCMFFA__SCM_Invoice_Line__c SCM Invoice Line OIM Invoice Line
Sales Order SCMFFA__Company__c Deprecated - Company Accounting Company Sales Order Fields
SCMFFA__Company_Name__c Company Company Name
Service Contract SCMFFA__Company__c Deprecated - Company Accounting Company Service Contract Fields
SCMFFA__Company_Name__c Company Company Name


Buttons Renamed in Summer 2023
Object Type API Name Original Label New Label Further Information
Sales Invoice List Button SCMFFA__Pull_SCM_Invoices Pull SCM Invoices Create from OIM Invoices Sales Invoice Fields

Custom Setting Fields

Custom Setting Fields Added in Summer 2023

Custom Setting



Further Information

OIM – Accounting Connector Settings INV Create DS SIN Custom Criteria Field API name of the field on the Invoicing object used to determine whether a sales invoice is automatically created from a drop ship invoice once it becomes eligible. OIM – Accounting Connector Settings Fields
INV Create DS SIN When Billing SO If selected, sales invoices are automatically created when billing a drop ship sales order.
INV Create SIN Custom Criteria Field API name of the field on the Invoicing object used to determine whether a sales invoice is automatically created from the invoice once it becomes eligible.
Custom Setting Fields Renamed in Summer 2023
Custom Setting Field API Name Original Field Label New Field Label Further Information
OIM – Accounting Connector Settings SCMFFA__Auto_Post_Sales_Invoice__c Auto Post Sales Invoice INV Auto Post Sales Invoice OIM – Accounting Connector Settings Fields
SCMFFA__Auto_Push_SIN__c Auto Push SIN INV Create SIN When Completing Shipment
SCMFFA__Enable_Manual_Deposits__c Enable Manual Deposits INV Enable Manual Deposits
SCMFFA__Max_SIN_Lines__c Max SIN Lines INV Sales Invoice Line Limit

Lightning App Pages

Lightning App Pages Added in Summer 2023




Further Information
OIM Invoice to Sales Invoice Mappings View and customize mappings for the OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices flow. FDN Mappings Viewing Mappings


Tabs Added in Summer 2023
Tab Description
INV to SIN Mappings

View and customize mappings for the OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices flow.

This tab contains the OIM Invoice to Sales Invoice Mappings Lightning page.

Credit Invoices to Sales Credit Notes

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Summer 2023 take the following action.

Upgrade Steps


See Help

Increase the sales credit note line limit to 900:

  1. Navigate to the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin tab.
  2. Expand the Credit Invoice to Sales Credit Note section.
  3. In the Sales Credit Note Line Limit field, enter 900.
OIM – Accounting Administration Fields

If you automated the creation of sales credit notes using the Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector plugin classes, perform the following steps:

  1. Remove SCMFFA.InvoiceVoidExportPlugin from the Invoice Void field on the OIM Plugins custom setting.
  2. Remove SCMFFA.CreditInvoiceExportPlugin from the Sales Invoice Credit field on the OIM Plugins custom setting.
  3. Navigate to the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin tab.
  4. Expand the Credit Invoice to Sales Credit Note section.
  5. In the Automatically Create Sales Credit Notes field, select "When Crediting or Voiding the Invoice".

This ensures the new automation feature is used, instead of the older plugin classes.

Using OIM Plugins in Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector

OIM – Accounting Administration Fields

Remove the Push to Accounting record button from all the page layouts for the Credit Invoice object. Credit Invoice Fields
Add the Create Sales Credit Note Lightning action to the relevant page layouts and Lightning pages for the Credit Invoice object. Credit Invoice Fields
Assign the OIM – Accounting - Push OIM Invoices and Credit Invoices permission set to Order and Inventory Management users who need to create sales credit notes from a single credit invoice.

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Creating a Sales Credit Note from a Single Credit Invoice

Assign the OIM – Accounting - Pull OIM Invoices and Credit Invoices permission set to Accounting users who need to create credit notes from all eligible credit invoices.

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Creating Sales Credit Notes from All Eligible Credit Invoices

[Optional] Review the mappings for the flow. Viewing Mappings

Perform the steps below for all credit invoices that were created before you upgraded and were not exported to Accounting. You must do this to ensure that the fields required for creating a sales credit note are populated.

You can use the Credit Invoices list view to see all invoices with the export status of "New" or "Export Error".

  1. Manually populate the Credit Invoice Due Date field.
  2. Create the following custom mappings for the Credit Invoices to Sales Credit Notes flow:
    • Invoicing > Sales Invoice > Company to Company for Credit Invoice to Sales Credit Note
    • Credit Invoice > Invoicing > Sales Invoice > Company to Company for Credit Invoice Line to Sales Credit Note Line Item

This ensures that the sales credit notes can be created even if the related OIM invoices were created and exported before you upgraded. In this case the Accounting company field is blank and you cannot populate it. After you have exported all existing credit notes, you can disable or delete the custom mappings.

Credit Invoice Fields

Viewing Mappings

Included in This Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release for this feature.


Fields Added in Summer 2023




Further Information

Credit Invoice Accounting Credit Invoice Date The date of the credit invoice for accounting purposes. Credit Invoice Fields
Credit Invoice Due Date The date on which payment is expected for the credit invoice.
Credit Invoice Line Sales Credit Note Line Item The sales credit note line item that relates to the credit invoice line. Automatically populated when a sales credit note line item is created from the credit invoice line.
Fields Renamed in Summer 2023
Object Field API Name Original Label New Label Further Information
Credit Invoice SCMFFA__Credit_Note__c Credit Note Sales Credit Note Credit Invoice Fields
Sales Credit Note SCMFFA__SCM_Credit_Invoice__c SCM Credit Invoice Credit Invoice Sales Credit Note Fields
Sales Credit Note Line Item SCMFFA__Item_Name__c Item Name Item
SCMFFA__SCM_Credit_Invoice_Line__c SCM Credit Invoice Line Credit Invoice Line


Buttons Renamed in Summer 2023
Object Type API Name Original Label New Label Further Information
Sales Credit Note List Button SCMFFA__Pull_SCM_Credit_Invoices Pull SCM Credit Invoices Create from Credit Invoices Sales Credit Note Fields

Custom Setting Fields

Custom Setting Fields Added in Summer 2023

Custom Setting



Further Information

OIM – Accounting Connector Settings CRINV Auto Post Sales Credit Note If selected, when a sales credit note is created from a credit invoice, it is automatically posted in Accounting. OIM – Accounting Connector Settings Fields
CRINV Create SCN Custom Criteria Field The API name of the field on the Credit Invoice object used to determine whether a sales credit note is automatically created from the credit invoice once it becomes eligible.
CRINV Create SCN When Crediting If selected, when you void or credit an invoice, a sales credit note is automatically created from the newly created credit invoice.
Custom Setting Fields Renamed in Summer 2023
Custom Setting Field API Name Original Field Label New Field Label Further Information
OIM – Accounting Connector Settings SCMFFA__Max_Credit_Note_Lines__c Max Credit Note Lines CRINV Sales Credit Note Line Limit OIM – Accounting Connector Settings Fields

Lightning App Pages

Lightning App Pages Added in Summer 2023




Further Information
Credit Invoice to Sales Credit Note Mappings View and customize mappings for the Credit Invoices to Sales Credit Notes flow. FDN Mappings Viewing Mappings


Tabs Added in Summer 2023
Tab Description
CRINV to SCN Mappings

View and customize mappings for the Credit Invoices to Sales Credit Notes flow.

This tab contains the Credit Invoice to Sales Credit Note Mappings Lightning page.

Inventory Transactions to Journals

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Summer 2023 take the following action.

Upgrade Steps


See Help

Assign the OIM – Accounting - Pull Inventory Transactions permission set to Accounting users who need to create journals from inventory transactions.

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Creating Journals from All Eligible Inventory Transactions

[Optional] Review the mappings for the flow. Viewing Mappings

Included in This Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release for this feature.


Fields Added in Summer 2023




Further Information

Inventory Transaction Financial Record General Ledger Account The general ledger account that relates to the inventory transaction financial record. Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record Fields
Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record Accounting Company The Accounting company that relates to the perpetual record.
Accounting Currency The Accounting currency of the perpetual record.
Journal Date The date of the journal created from the perpetual record.
Journal Type The type of journal created from the perpetual record.
Journal Line Item Inventory Transaction Financial Record The inventory transaction financial record that the journal line item was created from. Journal Fields
Fields Renamed in Summer 2023
Object Field API Name Original Label New Label Further Information
GL Account SCMFFA__General_Ledger_Account__c FFA General Ledger Account Accounting General Ledger Account GL Account Fields
ICP SCMFFA__Company__c Company Accounting Company ICP Fields
Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record SCMFFA__FF_Journal__c FF Journal Journal Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record Fields
Journal SCMFFA__SCM_Perpetual_Transaction__c SCM Perpetual Transaction Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record Journal Fields


Buttons Renamed in Summer 2023
Object Type API Name Original Label New Label Further Information
Journal List button SCMFFA__Pull_SCM_Journals Pull SCM Journals Create from Inventory Transactions Journal Fields

Custom Setting Fields

Custom Setting Fields Added in Summer 2023

Custom Setting



Further Information

OIM – Accounting Connector Settings ITPR Create JNL Custom Criteria Field

The API name of the field on the Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record object used to determine whether a journal is automatically created from the perpetual record once it becomes eligible.

OIM – Accounting Connector Settings Fields
ITRP Create Journal When ITPR is Created When selected, as soon as an eligible inventory transaction perpetual record is created, the connector creates a journal for the perpetual record.
Custom Setting Fields Renamed in Summer 2023
Custom Setting Field API Name Original Field Label New Field Label Further Information
OIM – Accounting Connector Settings SCMFFA__Auto_Post_Journal__c Auto Post Journal ITRP Auto Post Journal OIM – Accounting Connector Settings Fields
SCMFFA__JournalImportBatchSize__c Journal Import Batch Size ITRP Journal Import Batch Size
SCMFFA__Max_Journal_Lines__c Max Journal Lines ITPR Journal Line Limit

Lightning App Pages

Lightning App Pages Added in Summer 2023




Further Information
Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record to Journal Mappings View and customize mappings for the Inventory Transactions to Journals flow. FDN Mappings Viewing Mappings


Tabs Added in Summer 2023
Tab Description
ITPR to Journal Mappings

View and customize mappings for the Inventory Transactions to Journals flow.

This tab contains the Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record to Journal Mappings Lightning page.

Certinia Help

Upgrade Steps

To view the Certinia Help from your org, you require Apex class access to be enabled for the fferpcore.ContextSensitiveHelpController class. By default, access to this class has been added to all Order and Inventory Management, Accounting, and Foundations permission sets. If you use custom permission sets, you must add access to this class to the relevant permission sets. For more information about customizing permission sets, see the Salesforce Help.

The Certinia Help is available via the default utility bar associated with Order and Inventory Management, Accounting, and Foundations apps. If you use the default utility bar, no upgrade steps are required and the Certinia Help will be available from the utility bar automatically.

If you use a custom utility bar, complete the steps in Setting up the Certinia Help.