Recalculating Billing Events

When there has been a change to the description or amount of a timecardClosed A mechanism for logging time against a project or an assignment., milestoneClosed A fixed target, which when achieved, can be billed to the customer for a fixed fee or by logging time against it., expenseClosed A record of expenses incurred by resources assigned to a project or opportunity., miscellaneous adjustmentClosed A catch-all business record that allows you to correct data entry errors or adjust transactions., or budgetClosed An amount used to manage expenditure on customer purchase orders, internal budgets, outbound vendor purchase orders and work orders. A budget must be associated with a project. for a billing eventClosed A means of generating billing information that can be fed into a financial system that has not been released, you can recalculate the billing event to match the changed records. When releasing billing events to your finance system, billing events containing business records that do not match are not released.

Note: You cannot undo this action.

To recalculate billing details:

  1. On the Billing Event page, click Recalculate Billing.
  2. Read the information message.
  3. Click Recalculate Billing to continue.

If you want to recalculate multiple billing events, use the Billing Events Awaiting Release tab. For more information, see Billing Events Awaiting Release Tab.