Changing Estimate Dates

You can amend the dates of the estimate or any records on an estimate. The duration of the records will be retained and any child records will also be updated.

Moving the Dates of an Estimate

You can move the dates of an estimate using the Move Estimate Dates action. This ensures that the duration of the estimate is retained, and all of the estimate's records also move within the new dates. For example, if you move the estimate's start date forward by 2 days, the end date of the estimate as well as the start and end dates of all child records will also be moved forward by 2 days.

To do this:

  1. On an estimate record, click Actions | Services CPQ | Move Estimate Dates.
  2. Select a new start or end date. The date in the other field is automatically updated to retain the duration of the estimate.
  3. Click Save.

Editing the Dates of Records on an Estimate

Records on an estimate retain their duration when their dates are changed. For example, if you move the start date of a record forward by one day, the end date of the record will also move forward by one day. If the record has parent or child records, those records can also inherit the date changes. If the new dates are outside of the parent or child records' dates, the new date will be copied to these records, and the start or end date will change to accommodate the new date and ensure the duration remains the same.

This date behavior is useful if, for example, you want to move the dates of a task forward by one week. Any related role requests will also be moved forward by one week and their duration will remain the same.