Creating Sales Invoices

ERP Cloud

Sales invoices can be created from scratch, by using the details specified on an opportunityClosed, by duplicating an existing sales invoice, or from a billing document. You can create one sales invoice at a time, or a series of invoices by creating a recurring invoiceClosed.

  • If custom input forms have been enabled in your organization, how you create, edit and view documents might differ from what is described in the Accounting Help. Contact your administrator for assistance.
  • [Lightning Experience Only]
    • Single-company mode: When you have one current company selected, you do not need to specify a company when creating a sales invoice for the currently selected company.
    • Multi-company mode: When you have more than one current company selected, you can create a sales invoice for any of the currently selected companies. You do not need to change the current company.

      Administrators can create sales invoices for any of their user companies, regardless of their current company selection.

      You must always specify a company when creating a sales invoice in multi-company mode. For more information, see What is Multi-company Mode?.

Converting from an Existing Opportunity

Sales invoices can be created using the information stored in an opportunity with Stage set to "Closed Won".

See Creating a Single Sales Invoice from an Opportunity and Creating a Recurring Invoice from an Opportunity for more information.

If you want to quickly convert multiple opportunities to sales invoices, see Creating Sales Invoices from Multiple Opportunities. A single sales invoice will be created from each selected opportunity. Note that recurring invoices cannot be created in this way.

Create from Scratch

If you want to create a sales invoice without using the information stored in an opportunity, you can enter all the details from scratch.

See Creating a Single Sales Invoice from Scratch and Creating a Recurring Invoice from Scratch  for more information.

Creating from a Billing Document

If the Billing Document to Sales Invoice or Credit Note integration is enabled in your org, you can also create a sales invoice from a billing document.

See Billing Document to Sales Invoice or Credit Note Integration and Creating Sales Invoices from Billing Documents for more information.

Creating from a Billing Event

If PSA – Accounting Connector is installed in your org, you can also create a sales invoice from a billing event in PSA. See Billing Events to Sales Invoices or Credit Notes for more information.

Creating from an Order and Inventory Management Invoice

If Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector is installed in your org, you can also create a sales invoice from an Order and Inventory Management invoice. See OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices for more information.

Creating a Sales Invoice by Duplicating an Existing Sales Invoice

You can also create a sales invoice by duplicating an existing sales invoice.

See Duplicating Sales Invoices for more information.

Payment Schedules

A sales invoice can be paid in installments. You can do this by setting up a payment scheduleClosed. You cannot set up a payment schedule on a recurring invoice in Classic EditionClosed. Payment schedules are not supported on custom input forms so use Classic Edition or Extended Edition for sales invoices if you need to set up payment schedules.

See Defining Payment Schedules for more information.

Income Schedules

A single sales invoice can be associated with a one or more income schedules. You cannot set up an income scheduleClosed on a recurring invoiceClosed in Classic EditionClosed. Income schedules are not supported on custom input forms so use Classic Edition or Extended Edition for sales invoices if you need to set up income schedules.

See Defining Income Schedules for more information.

Intercompany Sales Invoices

You can send a sales invoice from one company in your organization to another.

See About Intercompany Sales, Creating and Posting an Intercompany Sales Invoice and About Intercompany Accounts for more information.