Sales Invoice Line Item Field Sets

The Sales Invoice Line Item object includes the following field sets.

Name Description Location

Default Fields

Manage Lines (Combined Tax) Used when the tax mode of the sales invoice's company is "Combined". Sales Invoice Line Items page Combined Tax Code
Dimension 1
Dimension 2
Dimension 3
Dimension 4
Destination Company
Destination Net Value
Destination Quantity
Destination Unit Price
Income Schedule
Line Description
Net Value
Original Invoice
Override Product GLA
Override Product Local GLA
Product Name
Tax Code
Tax Code 2
Tax Rate
Tax Rate 2
Tax Value
Tax Value 2
Unit Price
Manage Lines (SUT) Used when the tax mode of the sales invoice's company is "SUT". Dimension 1
Dimension 2
Dimension 3
Dimension 4
Destination Company
Destination Net Value
Destination Quantity
Destination Unit Price
Income Schedule
Line Description
Net Value
Original Invoice
Override Product GLA
Override Product Local GLA
Product Name
Tax Code
Tax Code 2
Tax Code 3
Tax Rate
Tax Rate 2
Tax Rate 3
Tax Value
Tax Value 2
Tax Value 3
Unit Price
Manage Lines (VAT/GST) Used when the tax mode of the sales invoice's company is "VAT" or "GST". Dimension 1
Dimension 2
Dimension 3
Dimension 4
Destination Company
Destination Net Value
Destination Quantity
Destination Unit Price
Income Schedule
Line Description
Net Value
Original Invoice
Override Product GLA
Override Product Local GLA
Product Name
Tax Code
Tax Code 2
Tax Code 3
Tax Rate
Tax Rate 2
Tax Rate 3
Tax Value
Tax Value 2
Tax Value 3
Unit Price