Customer Success Manager Dashboard

The Customer Success Cloud Customer Success Manager dashboard enables you to view information about playbooks, using data derived from the Customer Success Cloud dataset. This dashboard is designed to be embedded in the Customer Success Cloud workspace.

For more information about how the values are calculated, see CS Cloud Analytics Data Reference .

Suggested Use Cases

Data displayed in this dashboard can help you perform the following tasks:

  • View the distribution of active playbook stages.
  • View the average duration of active playbooks, grouped by account.
  • View the count and duration of active playbooks created from a playbook template.

Customer Success Manager Dashboard


Name Description Calculation Referenced Calculation Source Dataset
1 Playbook Stage Chart Displays active playbooks grouped by their stage. A total count of active playbooks is displayed in the center of the chart. Clicking on stage sections in this chart facets the data displayed in the dashboard.

Count of Unique Playbooks IDs Filters:
- Playbook Is Active = True

- Playbook Is Template = False

Group: Playbook Stage

  Customer Success Cloud
2 Average Playbook Duration by Account Chart Displays the average duration of active playbooks grouped by account. Clicking on bars in this chart facets the data displayed in the dashboard.

Average (Duration) Filters:

- Playbook Is Active = True

- Playbook Is Template = False

- Account Name is not equal to “N/A”

Order: Descending

Limit: 10

Group: Playbook Account Name

End Date - Start Date
3 Playbook Template Usage Number of Playbooks Bar Chart Displays the count of playbooks created from playbook templates. Clicking on these bars facets the data displayed in the dashboard.

Count of Unique Playbook IDs Filters:

- Playbook Is Active - True

- Playbook Is Template = False

Playbook Source Name is not equal to "N/A"

Group: Source Playbook Name

4 Playbook Template Usage Average Playbook Duration (Days) Bar Chart Displays the average duration of the active playbooks grouped by the playbook templates they were created from in days. Only playbooks created from templates are displayed in the chart. Clicking on these bars facets the data displayed in the dashboard.

Average (Duration) Filters:

- Playbook Is Active = True

- Playbook Is Template = False

Order: Descending

Limit: 10

Group: Playbook Source Name

End Date - Start Date
5 Filter Panel Refines the data displayed in the dashboard. Note: When filtering by Date Range, only playbooks with end dates occurring in your selected date range are displayed.      


To create this dashboard you must have Customer Success Cloud May 23 or later installed in your org.

Embedding the Dashboard

This dashboard is designed to be embedded in the Customer Success workspace. You can also embed this dashboard in additional lightning pages. For more information on how to embed the Customer Success Manager dashboard, see Setting up CS Cloud Analytics Apps.