Completing a Production Order

ERP Cloud

When production orders are complete, you must mark them as complete before their completed items can be allocated to sales orders. Production orders that must be marked as complete are listed as production orders in progress on the Production tab.

Once a production order is marked as complete, its production status changes to "Complete" and it is no longer listed as a production order in progress on the

Production tab. If the completed production order is associated with a sales order line, the backorder associated with the manufactured kit item on that sales order line is filled. Once this occurs, you can pick the item using the Warehouse tab in Action Queues and ship it. Alternatively, you can wait until all production orders associated with the sales order are complete. Once this occurs, the status of that sales order changes from " Backorders exist" to "Pending Pulling All Items".

Note: When a production order is completed you cannot add new production lines.

Using Lightning Experience

To mark a production order as complete:

  1. Click the Production tab. This tab belongs to the Action Queues app and you can search for it using the App Launcher.
  2. Click the Production Orders in Progress tab.
  3. Select the production order that you want to mark as complete.
  4. Click Complete.
  5. In the window that opens, enter the warehouse to store the completed items in the Completion Warehouse field.
  6. [Optional] In the Actual Completion Date field, enter the date on which the production order was completed
  7. Ensure the value pre-populated in the Actual Yield field is correct. Modify it if necessary to enter the actual amount produced.
    Note: Additional fields are displayed if the production order is for lot-controlled or serialized items. For information on how to complete these production orders, see Lot-Controlled Items and Serialized Items.
  8. Click Complete.
Note: If any of the items in the bill of material of the new item to be produced is an item with inbound/outbound serial number control, you must assign serial numbers to this item. Note that you must assign a quantity of serial numbers that matches the item quantity required to produce the order. To do this, open the production order record and use the Assign Serial Numbers action.
  • Use the search box above the grid to refine the displayed content and help you find the information you are looking for. You can search the content of any of the displayed columns. For example, you can search by production order or item. You can also right-click a column header to show a menu with options to sort and hide columns, and use drag-and-drop to reorder columns and rows.
  • To show only the production orders that you have selected, click Show Selected. To show all production orders again, click Back to Results.

Lot-Controlled Items

To mark as complete a production order with lot-controlled items:

  1. Follow steps 1 to 7 in Using Lightning Experience.
  2. In the Lot Number field, enter the lot number for the produced items. If you want to have the production order name automatically assigned as the lot number, you can leave this field blank.
  3. Click Complete.

Serialized Items

To mark as complete a production order with serialized items:

  1. Follow steps 1 to 7 in Using Lightning Experience.
  2. In the Serial Numbers text area field, enter the serial numbers for the produced items. Specify each serial number on a separate line. Alternatively, you can separate the serial number values with a delimiter (such as a comma or semicolon) without spaces. You must then indicate the delimiter you are using in the Delimiter field.
  3. Click Complete.

Using Classic or Lightning Visualforce Pages

To mark a production order as complete:

  1. Click the Action Queues tab.
  2. Click the Production tab.
  3. Go to the Production Orders in Progress section.
  4. Click Complete on the production order that you want to mark as complete.
  5. In the window that opens, enter the warehouse to store the completed items in the Completion Warehouse field.
  6. [Optional] In the Completion Date field, enter the date on which the production order was completed.
  7. For lot-controlled items, enter the lot number in the Lot Number Required field.
  8. For serialized items, enter the serial numbers in the Serial Numbers Required text area. Specify each serial number on a separate line.
  9. Click Complete.