Production Order Fields

ERP Cloud

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only.

Field   Description
Actual Completion Date   Actual date on which production was completed.
Actual Yield   The actual amount produced by this production order. This does not affect the raw material inventory in any way.
Approval Date   Date and time on which the production order was approved.
Assembly Cell   Place where the item is to be assembled
Completion Warehouse   Warehouse into which the completed order is to be received
Condition   Condition of the finished item.
Created By   Person who created the production order and the date and time on which it was created.
Item Master   The item to be produced.
Material Warehouse   Warehouse from which materials are to be pulled for this order.
Ownership   Lookup to the ownership code the production order relates to.
Planned Completion Date   Planned date on which production is to be completed.
Production Order Name   Unique name of the production order in Order and Inventory Management.
Production Status R Status of the allocation of items for this production order.
Progress Status   Overall status of the production order.
Quantity   Number of the item to be produced.
Revision   Revision number of the order. Whenever an approved production order is changed this number increases by one.
Sales Order Line Item   The sales order line item for which this production order was created.
Start Date   Date on which production started.
Status R Approval status of the production order.

Production Order Line Fields

If the item to be produced contains a bill of materials, the production order are automatically created when you create a production order. Here is a description of the fields on a production order line.

Field   Description
Production Order   Unique name of the parent production order in Order and Inventory Management.
Production Order Line Name   Unique name of the production order line.
Item Master   Item master of the part.
Condition Code   Condition code of the item to be used in production.

The condition code might affect the results that are shown in the Available Inventory section.

Quantity   Number of the item required to fulfill the production order.
Quantity Allocated   Quantity of the item that has been allocated from inventory.
Quantity Backordered   Number of the item placed on backorderClosed. This might occur when an item is allocated, but there is no inventory available.

Available Inventory

The Available Inventory section shows the inventory available for allocation to the production order line. You can filter the results based on Location, Condition, Ownership, Availability and on additional information. Additional Info filters the list based on additional information that might appear in other fields for the inventory. The additional Info filters enable you to filter by:

  • Production Order Name
  • Purchase Order Name
  • Transfer Request Name
  • Lot Number
  • Serial Number

The Available Inventory fields are as follows:

Field Description
Location Filters the list of inventory based on the inventory location you enter.
Condition Filters the list of inventory based on whether the Condition Code on the available inventory matches the condition you choose.
Ownership Filters the list of inventory based on whether the Ownership matches the owner you choose.
Availability Filters the list of available inventory based on its availability.
Addition Info Filters the list based on additional information that might appear in other fields for the inventory. For instance, you can enter part of a serial number.


Button Description
Allocate Allocates the selected inventory to the production order line.
Reverse Allocate Undoes the allocation of items that were previously allocated to the order.
Filter Inventory Filters the list of inventory on the Production Order Line Detail page based on the values you enter in the Filter Results fields.
Create Requisition Creates a requisition for backordered production order lines. A requisition line is created for each production order line for the quantity of the item not available in inventory.