Creating a Production Order

ERP Cloud

To create a production order:

  1. Click the Production Orders tab.
  2. Click New or New Production Orders.
  3. If required, select the type of production order that you are creating.
  4. Enter the name of the Item Master of the item to be produced or click the search icon to search for it.

    You must select an item master that contains a valid Bill of Materials (BOM), which consists of at least one level two BOMClosed.

  5. Enter the number of the item to be produced in the quantity field.
  6. Complete the remaining fields. See Production Order Fields.
  7. Click Save.

Allocating Inventory to a Production Order

Before a production order can be submitted for approval, you must allocate inventory for each line.

To automatically allocate inventory for all production order lines on the production order, click Allocate on the Production Order Detail page.

To allocate available inventory to each line manually:

  1. Click the Production Order Line Name of the line that you want to allocate inventory for.
  2. [Optional] Use the Filter Results box to filter the list of inventory.
  3. Select the checkbox of the inventory to be allocated to the line.
  4. [Optional] If required, adjust the quantity.

    If there is sufficient inventory available, you can allocate inventory from more than one inventory position listed.

  5. Click Allocate.
  1. If there is no available inventory, the items are placed on backorderClosed.
  2. Production order lines with a status of "Cancelled" won't be allocated.

Submitting a Production Order for Approval

Before you can submit a production order for approval, the items must be allocated. To submit a production order for approval, click Submit for Approval on the Production Order Detail page.


Once a production order has been approved and completed you cannot add a new production order line.