Enabling Resource Request Page Updates

Professional Services Cloud

To use resource request Lightning pages, enable them using the Feature Console. When enabling in the Feature Console, you can assign Lightning pages as org defaults for viewing and editing resource requests.

When complete, you will receive an email and the status for the feature step will change to "Done". You can then enable the feature.


For instructions on how to perform feature steps and enable features, see Enabling and Disabling Features.

To use the Resource Request Lightning page and the components on it, see Lightning Resource Request Components Overview.

To enable the Resource Request Lightning page:

  1. Open the Feature Console.
  2. Filter on Professional Services Automation.
  3. Open the Resource Request Page Updates feature.
  4. Click Launch in Step 1 to enable the Resource Request Lightning page for View mode.
  5. Click Launch in Step 2 to enable the Standard edit page for resource requests in Edit mode.
  6. The status of the steps updates to “Done” when successfully completed.