Resourcing Lightning Component Fields

Professional Services Cloud

The Resourcing component enables you to select from a list of resources to:

  • View or edit a resource's projected schedule.
  • Create an assignment for a resource.
  • Remove an assignment for a resource.
  • Hold a resource against a resource request.
  • Unhold a resource from a resource request.

Resources with contact records that have the following set to true are displayed:

  • Is Resource
  • Is Resource Active

Resources Fields

The following Resources fields are available.

Key: R - Read-only.



Availability (Percentage)  

The availability value as a percentage for each resource. This value is a resource's non-scheduled working hours from their work calendar and is calculated using the Start Date and End Date fields in the PSA Resource Filter Lightning component.

Whole numbers are displayed. When a resource is completely available, 100 is displayed. If a resource is utilized, 100 decreases until 0 is displayed. When a resource is over-allocated, a negative value is displayed. When availability data is not available for a resource, the value is blank. This happens, for example, when the start and end dates are in the past.


If you cannot see the Availability column, or the values within it for each resource, you might need permissions for the Work Calendar and Utilization Engine objects. For more information, see Resource Request Lightning Page and Component Permissions.

You can also display resource availability in hours. See Availability Display Format.

Availability (Hours)  

The availability value in hours for each resource. This value is calculated by subtracting a resource's assigned and held hours from the working hours in their work calendar. Calculated using the Start Date and End Date fields in the PSA Resource Filter Lightning component.


If you cannot see the Availability column, or the values within it for each resource, you might need permissions for the Work Calendar and Utilization Engine objects. For more information, see Resource Request Lightning Page and Component Permissions.

You can also display resource availability as a percentage. See Availability Display Format.

Candidate Type   Only displayed when the current resource request has the Allow Candidates to Self-Nominate checkbox selected. Self-Nominated is displayed in this column for resources who have expressed an interest in the corresponding resource request. For more information, see Managing Self-Nominations for Work Opportunities and Expressing Interest in Upcoming Work Opportunities.
Cost Rate   The currency and cost rate for the resource.
External   Indicates whether the resource is external to your business, such as a contractor.
Projected End Date R The projected end date of the new schedule to be created for the selected resource based on the projected start date and the selected strategy. Click Refresh End Date to update this field and reflect the custom hours you have entered for the schedule when the Custom scheduling strategy is selected.
Projected Start Date R The projected start date of the new schedule to be created for the selected resource based on the projected start date and the selected strategy.

This column is displayed in the PSA Resourcing component when Include Recommended Resources is selected. Rank is a numerical ranking for resources calculated using resource role, region, practice, group, skills ratings, and availability.

Suggested, held, and assigned resources are always ranked at the top of the results.

When the Rank column is displayed, resources are automatically sorted in rank ascending order, from 1 as the highest ranked to 200 as the lowest ranked.

For more information about how the rank is calculated, see Intelligent Staffing for a Resource Request and see Resource Search Service Settings.

Region   The region as specified on the resource's contact record that the resource is assigned to.
Requested Hours R Requested amount of hours for the selected resource as specified on the resource request.
Role   The role of the resource as specified on the resource's contact record.
Scheduling Strategy  

The scheduling strategy that determines how the requested hours are allocated across the resource'sClosed schedule when holding or assigning a resource. For more information about scheduling strategies, see the Schedule table.


The status of the resource:

  • Assigned
  • Held
  • Suggested

When a suggested resource becomes held or assigned, the relevant status of "Held" or "Assigned" is displayed. Held and assigned resources always display at the top of the resource list.

Resourcing Component Buttons

The following buttons are available on the Resourcing component.



More Information
Pin button Pins the selected resource in the resource list. Pinning Resources
Unpin button Unpins a pinned resource from the resource list. Pinning Resources
Assign Creates an assignment for the selected resource. Creating Assignments
Compare Opens the Compare Resources window. Comparing Resources
Hold Holds the selected resource against the resource request. Holding Resources
Manage Schedule Opens the window to manage a resource's schedule. Manage Schedule
Unassign Unassigns the selected resource from the resource request. Unassigning Resources
Unhold Unholds the selected resource from the resource request. Unholding Resources

Manage Schedule

The following fields are available when you click Manage Schedule.

Field Description More Information
Daily Hours Enter the hours for the Custom scheduling strategy in the Daily Hours fields. The Total hours field is automatically updated as you enter hours. Viewing or Editing Projected Schedules of Resources
Percent Allocation

The percentage of time allocated from a resource's work calendar hours to work on a project when the Percent Allocation scheduling strategy is selected and the schedule is created.

When the Percent Allocation scheduling strategy is used, the value in the Percent Allocation field defaults from the value specified in the Percent Allocated field on the resource request. When a value is not specified in the Percent Allocated field on the resource request, the value in the Percent Allocation field defaults to 100%.

Projected Start Date The Projected Start Date and Projected End Date fields display for the new schedule to be created for the selected resource. These are based on the selected scheduling strategy and the start and end dates from the filter criteria.
Projected End Date
Refresh End Date Updates the Projected End Date field and reflects the Custom scheduling strategy hours you have entered for the schedule.
Requested Hours For all scheduling strategies except Custom, the Requested Hours field displays the total hours for the selected resource as specified on the resource request.
Scheduling Strategy Select a strategy from the Scheduling Strategy picklist. see Scheduling Strategies Overview.
Total Displays the aggregated number of requested hours when you use the Custom scheduling strategy for the resource.