Canceling a Cash Entry

ERP Cloud

If you have created a cash entry in error and want to cancel it, you must create a cash entry of the opposite type with the reverse sign, then post it and match it against the original cash entry.


Transaction 1 = Receipt 50.00

Cancel 1 = Refund -50.00

Transaction 2 = Payment -100.00
Cancel 2 = Payment refund 100.00

The Cancel Cash Entry button on the Cash Entry Detail page does this for you. When you click this button, you can enter a reference and description, and modify the period if necessary. When you confirm the action, the canceling cash entry is posted and matched against the original one. The description on the canceling cash entry is in the format: Canceling cash entry number CSH000000 (your description).

The canceling cash entry has a link to the Original Cash Entry Number, and the original cash entry has a link to the Canceling Cash Entry Number.

To cancel a cash entry in Lightning, click Cancel Cash Entry on the upper right corner of the Cash Entry page. You can cancel the cash entries with the "Complete" status only.

  • To view the Cancel Cash Entry button ensure your administrator has the correct override property. Your administrator must go to Setup | Object Manager | Cash Entry | Buttons, Links, and Actions. Click View. Next to Salesforce Classic Override Default ensure "c2g:codacashentryview" is selected.
  • You must use the Background Cancel Cash Entry button if the number of cash entry lines is between the numbers set in the:
    • Cash Entry Cancel Sync Line Limit field of the Accounting Settings custom setting
    • Cash Entry Cancel Async Line Limit field of the Document Line Volume Settings custom setting
  • If the number of cash entry lines exceeds the number set in the Cash Entry Cancel Async Line Limit field of the Document Line Volume Settings custom setting, you must:
    1. Cancel the cash entries using the Background Cancel Cash Entry button.
    2. Post the newly created canceling cash entries and match them manually to the canceled cash entries.

Note that you cannot cancel:

  • Complete or partial matched cash entries.
  • Cash entries that have already been canceled.
  • Cash entries that have more than one account. You must cancel such cash entries manually.
  • Cash entries that have a related document with the payment status of "Unpaid".

Canceling Multiple Cash Entries

You can cancel multiple cash entries as long as they belong to the same company.

To cancel multiple cash entries using Lightning:

  1. Click the Cash Entries tab.
  2. Select a predefined view from the drop-down list to select the records to display. Alternatively, you can select Create New View to define your own list view.
  3. Select the company for which you want to cancel the cash entries as your current company. Only one company can be selected when canceling multiple cash entries.
  4. Use the checkboxes on the left to select the cash entries that you want to cancel.
  5. Click Cancel. The window for canceling cash entries displays. If this button is not available, contact your administrator, or see the Salesforce Help for more information about adding buttons to list views.
  6. Check your selection and click Continue. The Cancel Cash Entries window displays.
  7. Do one of the following:
    • To use the period of the canceled cash entries for the canceling cash entries, select the Original Period checkbox.
    • To use a different period for the canceling cash entries, deselect the Original Period checkbox and specify the period you want in the Period field. Note that this period will apply to all the selected cash entries.
  8. Enter a reference and a description. Note that they will apply to all the selected cash entries.
  9. Click Continue. The selected cash entries are canceled asynchronously in the background. Depending on the number of lines specified in the Cash Entry Cancel Async Line Limit custom setting field:
    • If none of the selected cash entries exceed the limit: The canceling cash entries are created, posted, and matched in the background.
    • If any of the selected cash entries exceeds the limit: You are notified by email of the success or failure of the cancellation process. The canceling cash entries are created in the background, but you must post and match them manually. For more information, see About Posting Cash Entries.

When the selected cash entries are canceled, their status changes to "Complete" and the payment status of the related documents changes to "Paid".

If any of the cash entries cannot be canceled, check and correct the errors in the process logs of the related process run record. For more information, see Process Runs.