Budget Allocation Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a budget allocation record. Some of these fields might not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations. For information about using budget allocations, see Track Consumption of Individual Budgets.


Once a budget is linked to a budget allocation, you cannot edit the budget's project or type.

Once a timecard split with a budget allocation is included in financials, the only field you can edit on the budget allocation is its name.

Key: * – Mandatory field



Budget Allocation Name *

Name of the budget allocation. We recommend you make budget allocation names unique within the project they relate to.

Project * The project that the budget allocation relates to.
Customer Purchase Order Budget  

A customer purchase order budget that the billable value of linked timecard splits is allocated to when they are included in financials (usually on approval). A timecard split’s billable value is its Total Billable Amount.

When PSA allocates billable values to the budget, the budget’s Amount Consumed field updates. For example, if a timecard split's Total Billable Amount is 750 USD, the budget's Amount Consumed field will increase by 750 USD.

This budget must be a customer purchase order budget for the same project as the budget allocation.

Internal Budget 1  

An internal budget that the cost value of linked timecard splits is allocated to when they are included in financials (usually on approval). A timecard split’s cost value is its Total Cost. If the budget allocation is set up to apportion cost between multiple internal budgets, each budget is allocated its specified percentage.

When PSA allocates cost values to the budget, the budget’s Amount Consumed field updates. For example, if the timecard split's Total Cost is 1000 USD and only one internal budget is specified in the budget allocation, the table below shows how the budget's Amount Consumed field is updated:

Internal Budget Percent Allocation Amount Consumed
1 100% + 1000 USD

This budget must be an internal budget for the same project as the budget allocation.

Internal Budget 1 Percent Allocation   The percentage of related timecard costs which are allocated to Internal Budget 1. This field is populated automatically upon save. If the budget allocation uses only one internal budget, it is set to 100%. If the budget allocation uses two or three internal budgets, it is set to the percentage that remains after the other allocations have been entered. The total percentage allocation is always 100%.
Internal Budget 2  

A second internal budget that can be set if there is a need to proportionally split the cost value of timecard splits between two internal budgets. For example, if the timecard split's Total Cost is 1000 USD, and 30% is allocated to Internal Budget 2, the table below shows how each budget's Amount Consumed field is updated:

Internal Budget Percent Allocation Amount Consumed
1 70% + 700 USD
2 30% + 300 USD

This budget must be an internal budget for the same project as the budget allocation. You must set a first budget before setting a second budget and percentage.

Internal Budget 2 Percent Allocation   The percentage of related timecard costs which are allocated to Internal Budget 2.
Internal Budget 3  

A third internal budget that can be set if there is a need to proportionally split the cost value of timecard splits between three internal budgets. For example, if the timecard split's Total Cost is 1000 USD, and 30% is allocated to Internal Budget 2, then 25% is allocated to Internal Budget 3, the table below shows how each budget's Amount Consumed field is updated:

Internal Budget Percent Allocation Amount Consumed
1 45% + 450 USD
2 30% + 300 USD
3 25% + 250 USD

This budget must be an internal budget for the same project as the budget allocation. You must set a first budget, and a second budget and percentage, before setting a third budget and percentage.

Internal Budget 3 Percent Allocation   The percentage of related timecard costs which are allocated to Internal Budget 3.