Managing Expense Reports to Approve in the PSA Mobile Application

Professional Services CloudNew

With the Expense Reports to Approve tab, you can carry out the following tasks:

  • Approve expense reports
  • Reject expense reports
  • Reassign expense reports

If your administrator has configured approval processes for Expense Reports in your org, you can approve, reject, or reassign expense reports.

To navigate to the list view of approval requests:

  1. Tap the Expense Reports to Approve tab. The Expense Reports to Approve page displays.
  2. Tap one of the following:
    • Primary Expense Approval Requests
    • Delegated Expense Approval Requests

Selecting any of the tabs, displays the list view of the primary or delegated approval requests, and you can view up to 50 approval requests to start with. More approval requests if they exist, get loaded as you scroll down.

To filter the approval requests displayed in the list view:

  1. Tap Filter. The Filter panel is displayed.
  2. Type values in the fields you want to filter by.
  3. Tap Apply, the matching records display.

To sort the approval requests displayed in the list view:

  1. Tap Sort. The Sort panel is displayed.
  2. Tap the Ascending or Descending toggle on the fields that you want to sort by.
  3. Tap Apply, the sorted records are displayed.