Updating PSA Project Structure to Show Jira Hierarchy

Once you have enabled PSA Direct for Jira, depending on your configuration, you can use it to:


Before you update PSA projects to show the Jira hierarchy, you must ensure that PSA users have set up correct authentication access to the Jira server. If PSA users fail to set up correct authentication, the connector will not update PSA projects to show Jira hierarchy and send an email notification.

The Jira Parent Task field holds the PSA task that is synchronized with the Jira parent issue. For more information, see Project Task Fields.

Using the Jira Parent Task field means that your hierarchy in PSA does not need to be the same as your Jira hierarchy.

The Jira Parent Task field is populated automatically when the Jira issue is synced to the PSA task, but you can set it manually before syncing to reflect different relationships. You can only link one Jira Issue with one PSA Task.


If the PSA Project Task has already been synced with Jira, then you cannot update the Jira Parent Task field. To do so, you must use the Move option in Jira to change the Jira Parent Task.