Synchronizing Jira Comments to PSA


After enabling the PSA Direct for Jira connector, you can use it to synchronize Jira Comments from Jira to PSA either in the Project to Project or Project to Issue modes. Depending on how you configure the PSA Direct for Jira connector, your PSA Projects or PSA Project Tasks can be synchronized from Jira Issues.

However, before synchronizing Jira Comments from Jira to PSA, you need to ensure that PSA users have set up the correct authentication access to the Jira server. If PSA users fail to set up the correct authentication, the connector will not synchronize PSA Projects or PSA Project Task from Jira Issues, and an email notification will be sent to notify them.

Synchronizing Jira Epic Comments to PSA Projects

Note: You can only synchronize the Jira Epic Comments to PSA Project in the Project to Issue mode.

If you have enabled the Sync Jira Issues to PSA Project Tasks and Sync Jira Comments to PSA fields, then eligible comments from Jira epics will be automatically synchronized to the PSA Project. To be eligible for syncing, the Jira epic must be of a predefined issue type and must be created for a Jira project that is correlated to a PSA project.

If you delete a comment from a Jira epic that was already synced to a PSA Project, the comment in the project will be automatically deleted.

If an error occurs during synchronization, an email notification will be sent to the PSA resource linked to the Jira user who created the epic. If the Email field for the resource is blank in PSA, the notification will be sent to the user specified on the PSA Direct for Jira Settings tab.

When an error occurs, a Foundations message will also be created with the publisher name PSA Direct for Jira/Error. For more information, see Viewing PSA Direct for Jira Error Messages .

Synchronizing Jira Issues Comments to PSA Project Tasks

When you enable the Sync Jira Issues to PSA Project Tasks and Sync Jira Comments to PSA fields, you can automatically synchronize Jira issue comments to PSA Project Tasks. However, only eligible Jira issue comments will be synced to PSA. To be eligible for syncing, the following conditions must be met:

  • The Jira issue must be of a predefined issue type.
  • The Jira issue must be synchronized with PSA Project Task.

If you delete a comment from a Jira Issue that was already synced to a PSA Project Task, the comment in the project task will be automatically deleted.

If an error occurs while syncing the issue comment to the project task comment, an email notification will be sent to the PSA resource linked to the Jira user who created the issue. If the Email field for the resource is blank in PSA, the notification will be sent to the user specified on the PSA Direct for Jira Settings tab.

A Foundations message will be created with the publisher name PSA Direct for Jira/Error whenever an error occurs. This message will provide detailed information about the error, which can be used to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. For more information, see Viewing PSA Direct for Jira Error Messages .