Estimate Builder Lightning Component Fields

The table below shows the objects displayed in the Estimate Builder component and how the cell values for each column are determined for each record type.

For more information about the Lightning App Builder properties for this component, see Estimate Builder Lightning Component Properties.


* – Mandatory field

R – Read-only

FP – Only used for records with a billing type of Fixed Price

HB - Displayed in the Hours Breakdown view

TM – Only used for records with a billing type of Time & Materials

Column Name

Record Type


Bill Rate Estimate Product



The total bill amount of the estimate product's child records. Includes discounts on the estimate product, child line sets, tasks, and role requests, and the estimate's global discount.
Line Set



The total bill amount of the line set's child records. Includes discounts on the line set, parent estimate product, child tasks and role requests, and the estimate's global discount.



The value in the Bill Amount field on the task record. Includes discounts on the task, parent estimate product and line set, child role requests, and the estimate's global discount.
Role Request FP The value in the Suggested Bill Rate field on the role request record, or the Bill Rate Override field if an override exists. Includes discounts on the role request, parent estimate product, line set, and task, and the estimate's global discount.
Billing Type Estimate Product   The value in the Billing Type field on the estimate product instance record.
Line Set R The value in the Billing Type field on the line set instance record. If the line set is independent of estimate products, this is defined by the Independent Line Set Billing type field on the estimate. If the line set is within an estimate product, this is the same as estimate product's billing type.
Cost Rate Estimate Product R The total cost amount of the estimate product's child records.
Line Set R The total cost amount of the line set's child records.
Task R The value in the Cost Amount field on the task record.
Role Request   The value in the Actual Cost Rate field on the role request record.
Discount (%) Estimate Product   The value in the Discount (%) field on the estimate product record.
Line Set TM The value in the Discount (%) field on the line set record.
Task TM The value in the Discount (%) field on the task record.
Role Request TM The value in the Discount (%) field on the role request record.
End Date Estimate Product HB The value in the End Date field on the estimate product record.
Line Set HB The value in the End Date field on the line set record.
Task HB The value in the End Date field on the task record.
Role Request



The value in the End Date field on the role request record.
Group Role Request   The value in the Group field on the role request record.


Estimate Product



The total number of hours of the estimate product's child records.
Line Set



The total number of hours of the line set's child records.



The value in the Hours field on the task record.
Role Request



The value in the Hours field on the role request record.
Margin (Amount) Estimate Product R The net bill amount of the estimate product minus the cost rate. Includes discounts on the estimate product, child line sets, tasks, and role requests, and the estimate's global discount.
Line Set R The net bill amount of the line set minus the cost rate. Includes discounts on the line set, parent estimate product, child tasks and role requests, and the estimate's global discount.
Task R The net bill amount of the task minus the cost rate. Includes discounts on the task, parent estimate product and line set, child role requests, and the estimate's global discount.
Role Request R

The following calculation is used: Net Bill Amount - (Cost Rate * Hours). Includes discounts on the role request, parent estimate product, line set, and task, and the estimate's global discount.

Margin (%) Estimate Product FP The margin amount of the estimate product as a percentage. Includes the estimate's global discount. If the estimate product has a billing type of Time & Materials, this includes discounts on the estimate product, child line sets, tasks, and role requests, and the estimate's global discount.
Line Set R The margin amount of the line set as a percentage. Includes the estimate's global discount. If the line set has a billing type of Time & Materials, this includes discounts on the line set, parent estimate product, child tasks and role requests, and the estimate's global discount.
Task R The margin amount of the task as a percentage. If the task has a billing type of Time & Materials, this includes the estimate's global discount. Includes discounts on the task, parent estimate product and line set, child role requests, and the estimate's global discount.
Role Request R The margin amount of the role request as a percentage. If the role request has a billing type of Time & Materials, this includes the estimate's global discount. Includes discounts on the role request, parent estimate product, line set, and task, and the estimate's global discount.
Name Estimate Product



The value in the Name field on the estimate product record.
Line Set



The value in the Name field on the line set record.



The value in the Name field on the task record.
Role Request



The value in the Role field on the role request record.
Net Bill Amount Estimate Product R The total net bill amount of the estimate product's child records. Includes discounts on the estimate product, child line sets, tasks, and role requests, and the estimate's global discount.
Line Set R The total net bill amount of the line set's child records. Includes discounts on the line set, parent estimate product, child tasks and role requests, and the estimate's global discount.
Task R The net amount of the task minus the global discount on the estimate. Includes discounts on the task, parent estimate product and line set, child role requests, and the estimate's global discount.
Role Request R The net amount of the role request minus the global discount on the estimate. Includes discounts on the role request, parent estimate product, line set, and task, and the estimate's global discount.
Practice Role Request   The value in the Practice field on the role request record.
Region Role Request   The value in the Region field on the role request record.
Skills Role Request   Comma separated list of the skills on the related role skill request record.
Start Date Estimate Product



The value in the Start Date field on the estimate product record.
Line Set HB The value in the Start Date field on the line set record.
Task HB The value in the Start Date field on the task record.
Role Request



The value in the Start Date field on the role request record.


Buttons in the Estimate Builder Component
Button Name Description Further Information
Add from Template   Copies records from an estimate to another estimate. Adding from an Estimate Template
Manage Products   Adds estimate products to an estimate record and manages the estimate products that have already been added to an estimate record. Managing Products on an Estimate
Move Estimate Dates   Amends the dates of the estimate or any records on an estimate. Changing Estimate Dates
Recalculate Hours   Recalculates role request hours according to their associated work calendars, as well as the start and end dates, and total hours. Using the Hours Breakdown
Refresh Rates   Refreshes the bill rates and cost rates of an estimate's role requests. Adding Role Requests to an Estimate
Mass Adjust Rates   Overrides the rates of role requests on an estimate using either rate overrides or rate uplift. Overriding Role Request Rates
Undo button in Estimate Builder component Undo Undoes changes made in the builder, up to the last save.  
Redo button in Estimate Builder component Redo Redoes the previous undo action.  
Delete button in Estimate Builder component Delete

Deletes the selected records.


You can delete multiple records by selecting the checkboxes next to the records you want to delete, or by holding down Command (Mac), Ctrl (PC) while selecting a cell on the row of the records you want to delete. Then, click .

Add Line Set button in Estimate Builder component Add Line Set Adds a line set to the estimate. Adding Line Sets to an Estimate
Add Role Request button in Estimate Builder component Add Role Request Adds a role request to the estimate. Adding Role Requests to an Estimate
Add Task button in Estimate Builder component Add Task Adds a task to the estimate. Adding Tasks to an Estimate